The Neigbour (Dallon Weekes)

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It has been 2weeks since I moved to Salt Lake City. I came here to open a new restaurant so I can continue with the family business. My parents own a restaurant in the center of Paris. When they told me to take the business into, my own hands, I made a decision. I will leave France and begin to share our good name over the world. So I have taken all my things and some money flew over the Ocean and started a new life here.

I got a smaller but very cozy house on the edge of the city and on the very first day I started to prepare my future restaurant which is situated in the center of Salt Lake City. The only problem is my cat, James. He is my lovely pet for over 9 years, and we've spent every moment together we can't exist separately so I took him with me. But he is not used to cold winter, snow and he misses town walking. James is a very fat, lazy cat, but when it comes to town walking, he loves it. I need to buy him winter coat and tiny shoes for cats, cause he couldn't stand snow on his soft paws. And to be honest he looked ridiculous but he wasn't cold at least. Each day I took him for the walk around the street and, to the Temple square and sometimes he just stayed in the garden watching birds.

Today it has been really cold, so I decided to cut some wood into the fireplace and make warmth inside. So I got my clothes on and went outside. James was sitting under the roof, watching me carefully as I was cutting the logs. Suddenly a bigger chip flew of the log and hit James right into his head, he squeaked in pain and started running away. I quickly put the ax down and chased him. But he was so fast, he jumped over the fence and ran in the street. I was calling his name, but he was nowhere to be found.

"James!!" I called again but instead of my cat, I heard a male voice: "Yes maam?"

I turned around to face a very tall man in a black coat, jeans, and Dr.Martens on his feet. 

"Sorry? Do I know you, sir?" I asked a bit confused but he smiled.: "As you were desperately calling my name for a few minutes now I guess you do?" he answeared.

But I frowned "Oh no, that is a misunderstanding in was not you who I was calling cat James he ran off and I can't find him" I tried to explain. When I finished the sentence he pulled his hand from behind his back just to reveal the chubby cat hidding behind.

I quickly took it from him "ohh James!!...where have you been you little punk!?" I asked him but then I looked back on the man "Thank you, James..." 

He smiled "Actually I prefer Dallon instead. James is just the middle name and it got me quite surprised that you would now it... Cute cat by the way" he laughed.

"How did you now that it's my cat ?" I asked confused.

"I saw you moving in 2weekes ago, I live next door" he explained.

I blushed "Oh well, so you are Mr. Weekes right? I wanted to bring you some present but I didn't have time too much work with all of the stuff around the house."

He shrugged his shoulder "don't worry about that... I hope you will like it here"

I just nod and then turned and walked away I just heard Dallon voice calling at me "And what ifi your name if I can ask?"

"Camille!...but I prefer Sarah instead!" I shouted over the fence and then closed the door with a smile on my lips. And that was the first friend I've met in my new City.

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