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When they got in they noticed that the lights were off. It had probably been switched off by one of the terrorists to give them an advantage in the confusion it caused, but there were enough windows so it wasn't too big of a problem. They still had to be more aware in darker places though.

After seven meters they took their own path. Jackson looked at the group one more time before leaving them and entering the hallway he was supposed to clear. He had to be extra careful because there were lots of storages located in his hall. And he was right to be more careful because after being only five meters in, someone stormed out of one of the brown doors and shot him.

He felt pain in his chest and fell to the ground. He knew the terrorist had hit him but he couldn't let him get away so he got hold of his gun right beside him and kept shooting until he saw the man fall down.

He grabbed his chest in pain but quickly got up to see if he took the man out. When he tried to flip over the fallen one, another storage door flew open and more terrorists rushed into the hallway. Without any warning, he shot the most distant one in the head while he grabbed the one in at the front as a shield. The last guy fired a shot before Jackson could but he hit the man he was using as a shield. After they exchanged a few shots Jackson hit the guy and the fight came to an end. Yet when he threw his 'human shield' on the ground he didn't seem to be bleeding. Jackson raised his gun and shot before the man could crawl away.

When things became quiet again he quickly hid in one of the closets to check his injury. He locked the door with one hand and started taking off his bulletproof vest with the other. It was common knowledge for a soldier not to take off a bulletproof vest during a mission but he knew something wasn't right.

Jackson let his fingers glide over the area he was hit and frowned. Nothing. No blood, no hole, nothing. After fully inspecting the place he got properly dressed again. 'I don't get it' he thought. Sure, he was wearing a bulletproof vest but the shooter was awfully close.

Also, the other terrorist he used as a shield wasn't wearing any kind of protective clothing but he was okay even after being hit a few times. Jackson was completely lost in thought trying to figure out what was going on when he felt his watch vibrate. He looked at it and realized he was supposed to be at the meeting point by now.

Fortunately, the hallway was empty so he ran as fast as he could to the canteen. He was already preparing himself to get scolded. Yet when he arrived nobody was there and the door to the canteen was already open.

Jackson rushed in to see what happened, only to see his three team members trying to calm down an obviously distraught man. 'It could be funny if this whole situation wasn't dangerous' he thought. He was about to say something when the back door opened. Suddenly everything seemed to go in slow motion.

The distraught man who fell to the ground, the other team members looking up surprised, the terrorist raising this gun aiming at Jon, and Jackson firing this gun before anyone else could. "Cleared," he said while he blocked the door so the upset stranger wouldn't run off again. What felt like minutes were just seconds but at least everyone seemed okay.

'Finally' Jackson thought. Another team came to guide the traumatized man out of the building. Their floor was cleared so Kusege contacted the other team to turn to the second floor to get to David Cameron. In the end, Jackson was the only one who encountered terrorists on his way to the canteen.

He wanted to tell them about the rubber bullets but he wasn't sure if all of the attackers used them. So it was safer to keep it a secret for now. When everyone was ready they continued their mission splitting up into three units this time. Jackson following Jon to the door to one of the three staircases.

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