Change of plan

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Jackson was glad he could share his room with Mark. A change they rarely got. Unfortunately, this wasn't the time for cuddles and kisses. Not with everything that's going on right now. The rubber bullets, the fact it could be an inside job and not to mention they took Kusege.

Jackson was deep in thought when he slowly put Mark down on one of the beds. He wanted to go to the other bed when Mark pulled him back, pulling him out of thought and out of balance. He was about to fall on top of Mark but training got his reflexes on top level so he managed to land next to him.

"Do you want to get injured even more?" Jackson said a bit irritated. He immediately regretted his reaction and apologized.

Mark turned on his side, facing Jackson. "What are you thinking about?" Jackson sighed. He promised to not share information outside his team but he knew he could trust Mark and it also concerned him so it would be unfair to keep it from him, in Jackson's opinion.

"First of all, Yuna said it. She said we shouldn't split up but we did anyway because I thought my plan was the best. If I had listened to her, we wouldn't be in this mess right now. Kusege wouldn't be in this mess." Jackson said in one breath. He panted quietly after he finished but got ready to tell Mark the whole story.

"Listen, this is going to be a long story and I need you to be quiet until I'm done," He said. Mark laughed again. "I'm very good at being quiet, you know I am." Jackson sighed.

"A lot has happened. Inside that building I mean." Jackson started hesitantly. He was silent for a while, not sure where to start. He decided to go with the rubber bullets first. "Yuna, my teammate, and I both encountered terrorists who used rubber bullets." He wanted to tell him he got hit but didn't it would only make him worried, or mad for not being careful.

"What does that mean?" Mark sat up and had a concerned look on his face. "It means those guys weren't out there to kill. Or wound even. It also means it could be an inside job." Mark looked at his leg. "But if they were using rubber bullets, does that mean someone from the organisation shot me?"

Jackson swallowed, he didn't even think about that. It could be a terrorist who had actual bullets but it could indeed also be friendly fire, especially if it actually was an inside job. "Who-" Jackson started after which Mark interrupted him. "Ethan. Definitely Eithan. I've never trusted him. If it was friendly fire it was him. It couldn't have been anyone from your team since one was with you and one was probably already taken at that time."

"And" Jackson continued. "Yuna wouldn't do something like that. So it would indeed have to be either Ethan or the girl on your team." Mark shook his head. "She nearly cried when she saw I was shot and I'm pretty sure she has a crush on me."

Jackson sat up too. "Should I be worried?" He was never the type to get too jealous but with Mark it was different. "I am the only one for you, right?" He pouted. Mark couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriend. "You have nothing to worry about. I love you." Jackson blushed a little at Mark's boldness. Not that he would ever admit that even the fearsome Jackson Wang blushes. Not that Mark didn't see he did.

Mark pulled him back to lay down on his side again. "What else happened today?" Jackson couldn't help but sigh. "The whole reason we are here right now. Because my team leader got taken by some crazy terrorists or some crazy people from the organization."

Mark softly stroked his cheek. "It's not your fault." Jackson bitterly laughed at his comment. " it is.. You know it is. I was the one who proposed splitting up, I was also the one who didn't listen to Yuna's concern about the plan. She was right-."

"Ka-yee, calm down. It's not your fault." They both sighed before everything became quiet again. They enjoyed the silence for a while, it was exactly the time for kisses and cuddles.

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