1 • 10:59 a.m.

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LUCAS • [10:59 a.m.]

"Don't tell me not one girl had laid their eyes on you."

"Around three pairs of eyes, actually."

"There you have it!" Lucas exclaimed as he gave a reassuring slap on his best friend's back.

Just around the nooks and crannies of Downtown Manhattan can you find dining spots that will surely give your taste buds the extreme satisfaction—you just have to look closely.

Big Burton's Burgers was the place for Lucas and Beau, a fast food shop that serves meat as well as meat-free burgers.

Lucas's best friend, Beau, was allergic to meat, the only thing that made Lucas felt sorry for his friend who every girl in senior year considered as "perfect". It was all in their heads. 

Yes, Beau was the captain of the swimming team, yes, he dated the most popular and powerful girl in high school, and yes, he channeled that watch-me-I-am-cool yet I-prefer-to-remain-a-mystery kind of image. But Beau had his own shortcomings, from failing to pursue his childhood friend-turned-the love of his life at an earlier time to an unfortunate digestive system. Stuff like that.

Fortunately, Beau found a place that would help him satiate his strange appetite as well as Lucas's, the meat lover.

Lucas was paying Beau a visit in New York, a promised he made after they graduated from high school back in Massachusetts. He stayed in the Big Apple for three days, and today was his last day.

The two of them went hand-in-hand, like twin boys separated at birth. Adored by many, envied by many. They have successfully ruled senior year, from the academics all the way to the athletics.

...And not to mention the female population, too. Lucas and Beau would just flash them a smile—even if it was just a faint one, and the girls would automatically form a huddle as they squeal at each other. That was the usual scene.

They were no celebrities, but they were treated like one.

"How about you, young Casanova?" Beau asked, raising a curious brow. He then took a bite from his meat-free burger. They were both in the middle of talking about potential girls to date now that they were in college.

Casanova was a nickname given to Lucas, but by all means, he didn't consider himself one. Most guys did because they would usually see him flirting with a new girl every week.

They would define it as "flirting", as Lucas would just describe it as simply talking. What can he do? He was confident, he was easygoing, he was friendly. Those weren't the qualities a womanizer necessary possessed, were they?

Lucas shook his head, chuckling. "You see, that's the downside of living away from college campus. I'm just hoping my next-door neighbor would magically be some hot girl."

To stay in a college dormitory had its own perks. It was convenient and accessible since it was located inside the campus. It was nearer to your college building, and you would be surrounded by the school population.

But Lucas was not fond of that. His parents were initially reluctant of Lucas's idea, either. One week of begging and one convincing PowerPoint presentation after, his parents eventually relented.

He moved in to his new apartment a month after, which was just a fifteen-minute walk to the university. Or a three-minute drive. He couldn't bring the car, so he had no choice but to do the former.

It didn't matter to him, though. He asked for this. He was an early riser anyway and he could use the sunshine.

Soon enough, his eyes shot up and saw a big wall clock that read 11:07 a.m.

Oh, damn, Lucas thought. He devoured the last remaining bite of his burger and chugged down his extra large Mountain Dew in a swift. Wiping the lips of his mouth smeared with ketchup and mustard, he tapped the table to get Beau's attention.

"Hey, Beau, as much as I would love to hear more of those chicks hitting on you, my flight's in two hours and I gotta roll. See you next month, alright? My apartment's gonna wait for ya." Lucas grabbed his backpack from the floor and swung it over his shoulder. He was a light packer.

Beau stood up and gave Lucas a hug. "Thanks for visiting me, Lucas. You're the best, man."

"You know it!" He exited the shop followed by Beau. He gave a final wave to his best friend after a minute of hailing a cab.

Lucas slipped inside the back seat and greeted the driver, giving him a smile.

"Good morning, how are ya? To the airport, please."

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