Chapter 1

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            A few years ago there was a child. Small and naïve, in planet known as earth.  This child was a human girl, no more than possible 3, she was a wonder and loved the feel of adventure. As all young children, she was very keen to trusting those that knew more than she did. She was always getting lost and having strangers bring her back home. One day, she had walked off and came in contact with something or someone that looked nothing like her and her friends or cousin (to whom she looked up to although being the same age). That day she did not return home that her worried parents went out to search for her with their family. She was never found; for she was taken by aliens that were set to rule the galaxy. Her family had never once stopped believing their little girl was alive and how right they were however; she was not the same little girl with joy and happiness in her eyes.
14 years later......
        She was running down endless hallways with a human just like her. A prisoner of the Galra Empire was helping them to escape after all the trouble they had gone through. The trauma and pain they suffered. The prisoner gave them plans on a blue lion and the legend of a powerful robot to defeat the evil in this universe. That was all before he was captured and had shipped them off to space. The shuttle heading to her home planet. Somewhere she had hoped to visit again one day. Big and empty space was all she remembered before falling asleep. On earth however, three teens from the garrison academy on earth, were training to run and pilot a ship. Having failed miserably; their day went on. At night two of the three teens were off to gather their last member for a good old bonding time. When they reached the room their last member was sneaking off to the roof of the academy and witnessed the shortest of the three surrounded by technology they probably were not allowed to have.
"You come up here to rock out?" the thinner teen had said on the ear of the shorter one.  The shorter on jumped and looked surprised at the two.
"Oh, Lance, Hunk. No, I'm just looking at the stars." He has stated slightly defensive. 
"Where'd you get this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech." the thin one known as Lance stated disbelieving.
"I built it" the short one said.
"You built all of this?" asked the bigger one of the three known as Hunk. He was about to touch the computer when the shorter cadet smacked his hand.
"Stop it! With this thing, I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system" the youngest said smugly.
"That right? All the way to Kerberos?" he asked seeming uninterested in the tech before him. The shortest cadet made a face to this comment. As hunk once more attempted to touch the tech the shortest cadet had claimed to of made.
"You go ballistic every time the instructors bring it up. What's your deal?" Lance said with slight interest and not to surprise with the reaction.
"Second warning, Hunk!" the shortest almost yelled as, Hunk groaned back. Lance was slightly upset at the way his team mate was reacting.
"Look, Pidge, if we we're going to bond together as a team, we can't have any secrets." Lance stated.
"Fine. The world as you know it is about to change." Stated the short cadet, now known as Pidge, said with a sad look in his face. "The Kerberos Mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake. STOP TOUCHING MY EQUIPMENT!" he yelled at the end as Hunk groans falling to the floor.
"So, I've been scanning the system and picking up alien radio chatter." Pidge says sternly.
"Whoa. What? Aliens?" states hunk surprised.
"Okay so, you're insane. Got it." Lance states not interested one bit.
        Seemingly angered Pidge says, "I'm serious. They keep repeating one word, "Voltron". He then proceeded to show them a drawing he had on his notes. "And tonight, it's going crazier than I have ever heard it." Lance then goes to ask Pidge just how crazy but, he was stopped when the intercom of the academy about going on lock down. In that moment a ship from space that did not belong to the garrison crash lands just a few feet from the academy. 

         Pidge quickly hacked into the academy's cameras inside of the mini dome they set up near the ship that crashed.
"Calm down you two. We just need to keep you quarantined you while we run some test on you." Said a scientist to the two teens in the screen. One was Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane; the pilot from the mission Pidge had mentioned before. While the other was a female.
"Hey! That's my cousin!!" Hunk had stated pretty loudly.
"You mean the one that went missing fourteen years ago? But she has blue in her hair?" lance has said confused as to why Hunk would say that. Pidge was lost as to what these two were talking about.
"I know it's her. She looks just like her." Hunk was not backing down from this as, they stared into the small screen.
"You have to listen to us! They destroy worlds!" the two stated as they struggled to break free. They proceeded to talk of aliens and how they were to arrive soon to destroy the planet. The other three saw that Shiro and this girl were not getting listened to and were eventually put to sleep. They discussed how they were going to rescue them when some bombs where set of as a distraction where Pidge then sees someone riding a bike like vehicle to save Shiro. Lance then goes to take a look on who the person might be, only to be angered.
"No way! Oh he is not going to beat us in there! That guys always trying to one-up me!" lance states rather angry.
"Who is it?" ask Hunk.
"Keith!" yells lance back to the other two.
"Who?" ask Pidge all confused.
"Are you sure" Hunk asks.
"Oh, I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!" lance yells while running down the mountain.
          Pidge still lost yells back as he runs down behind the other two, "who's Keith?" As the three run to the dome Shiro and the unknown girl were held, Keith was inside beating down guards until he made it to their room. He walks over and sees that one of the people is Shiro. He cuts both their ropes and goes to lift Shiro first when three teens (that he didn't seem to remember) came in view. The thin tan fellow walking first.
"Nope. No, you- no, no, no. no, you don't. I'm saving Shiro." Lance had said marching straight up to him and grabbed Shiro's other side.
"Who are you?" asked the teen know as Keith.
"Who am I? Uh, the name's Lance." Lance said. A pause was present between them, it was in that moment Hunk went to the other table and picked up the girl he thought to be his long lost cousin. He walks over by Pidge and holds her close to him.
"We were in the same class at the Garrison." Lance said with a face the looked as if to say remember me. Keith looked at him confused.
"Really. Are you an engineer?" Keith asked.
"No, I'm a pilot! We were, like rivals. You know, Lance and Keith, neck and neck." Lance stated annoyingly.
"Oh, wait I remember you. You're a cargo pilot." Keith said matter of fact written on his face.
"Well, not anymore. I'm fighter class now, thanks to you washing out." Lance said with pride in his voice. After that comment they walked out and everyone was heading out to the bike Keith had earlier when the three first saw him. Hunk had kept guard while Pidge held on to the girl. The four teens hurried over to the bike. Hunk all the way in the back with the girl. Pidge was in front of him holding on to Shiro.  Lance was off the side and Keith was in the front so he can drive it. From there they were all on and in hot pursuit to get the hell out of there. Keith did the best he could and managed to get them out of the view of the garrison.
                Keith had taken them to his place. The other three laid the two new people down. When they went to make the girl comfortable her eyes had suddenly woken up. She jumped and was in a corner in a fighting stance.
"Who are you- Hunk?" she had asked. Confused and still on guard but with slight excitement. Lance, Pidge and Keith looked at Hunk hoping to get answers.
"Are you Lani?" he asked hope in his voice.
"H-Hunk! Yes, it's me!" she ran into his arms. Hugging him as if he were to disappear. The three where still confused so, Pidge was the first one to speak up.
"Who are you?" he asked. The girl looked at the short cadet stood on the defensive.
"My name is Lani Ailani. Hunk here is my cousin and- "she as shortly interrupted with a groan coming from Shiro. She quickly runs to him and helps him to sit up.
"Shiro you need to take it easy." Lani said. They were shortly given clothing to change into. Keith making a comment that the clothing could be to small but it's all he had for Lani. She growled at him and snatched the clothing. She left in one direction to change from the rags she had on.
         Hunk was worried for the exchange between Lani and Keith. Shiro had finished and he had walked out to get air. Keith followed and they had a small exchange before coming back in. when they did Lani had come out at that exact moment. Not much shorter then Keith; she had small heels on and black pants with a burgundy shirt and army green coat. Her curves and tan skin blending well with her outfit and blue in her hair. The boys all looked at her in awe all though Keith would never admit it. From there Keith goes on to show what he was up to after leaving the Garrison. Pulling down what looked to be a sheet; he shows them mapping and images of different things. Talking of images of a blue line.
"I should thank you all for getting us out. Lance right?" Shiro turned to cadets and shaking lance's hand.
"Lance, Hunk, and the little one... thank you three." Lani said a natural face plastered on. Lance had hesitated on grabbing Shiro's hand but went for it anyways. Pidge went on to introduce himself and Hunk, who was nerves and excited.  They talked on if anyone else from Shiro's old crew had made it. Shiro not having a proper working memory was blank. Pidge turned to Lani, "do you know anything?"
"Sorry. I was on that ship as a slave after I failed to follow orders they wanted. My memories are also in a jumble." Lani stated with little interest and a hint of sadness. Hunk went on about whether the aliens were going after them or not. Shiro mentioned "Voltron" and that brought out a jolt from Lani that only Keith would notice. Why would he notice because he didn't trust her? Hunk then proceeded to discuss building a machine to look for Voltron and pulled out a design of waves. Keith grabbed it out of his hands, much to Lani's dislike, and placed it in front of the photo he had of mountains. From there the group goes to the exact mountains and ends up in a cave. Just as Keith had said there were pictures of a lion. As they walked in farther Lance touched the wall and it started to glow blue. The floor then crumbled and all 6 of them fell through.
Before them stood a giant blue lion. They stood around it in amazement. Pidge and the other's tried to figure out how to get in. Lani looked at lance and walked over to him.
"Hey why not do what you did with the walls." She told Lance. He looked at her and touched the barrier around the lion. Soon as the barrier was down they were all given a vision of what Voltron was supposed to look like and Lani was entranced. They were then granted access inside and lance sat in the pilot's seat. Lani was walking around as they conversed but fell as soon as the lion was in movement and in air.
"You're the worst pilot ever" Keith yelled over the yelling for the others.  Lance paid him no mind as the lion went to fly everywhere. Then out of nowhere it shoots up to the sky. Lance says the lion was moving on his own.
"I'm telling you the lion is on auto pilot. It says there is an alien ship heading towards earth and I think we need to stop it" lance said as everyone held on to someone.
"If this is part of what they want. Why don't we give it to them and maybe they can leave us alone" hunk said. Lani and Shiro looked at him.
"You don't know what they are like. They are like a plague and spread destroying everything in their path "Shiro said.
"Hunk I know you mean well but we can't let others get hurt" Lani said with a stern face. It was almost hard to believe her but, they did.
"There is no bargain with them until everything is dead." Shiro said with a stern face. Pidge, Keith and lance looked at Hunk with what had seemed to be a glare.
"oh never mind then." Hunk said with a sickly face. The lion had long reached space and was face to face with the alien ship. The four cadets were shocked to say the least at its massive size. Hunk had ask if that was the ship.
"They found me" both Lani and Shiro said at the same time. When at that moment the ship was blasting at the blue lion.
"We have to get it out of here!" Yelled Pidge.
"Hold on!" Lance had yelled back as he moved the lion out of the way of the blast. As if lance knew what he was doing or as the lion had a mind of its own, it was attacking the ship and damaging it pretty bad.
"Nice job lance. Ok I think it's time to get them away from our planet." Shiro said. The others agreed and off they went. It seemed like they were ok until Hunk and Pidge noticed the ship coming closer.
"OH, No!" said hunk
"They are gaining on us!" yelled Pidge.
"It's weird. They're not trying to shoot us. They're just chasing." Lance stated.
"Ok, seriously. Now we think having aliens follow us is good. I just got my cousin back guys. I am not on board with this new direction, guys." Hunk said.
"Where are we?" Keith asked.
"The edge of the solar system." Lani said.
"There's Kerberos." Shiro said in slight awe.
"It takes months for our ships to get out this far. We got out here in five seconds." Pidge exclaimed.  Not too long later a blue circle appeared.
"What is that?" Hunk said
"This might seem crazy, but I think the lion wants us to go through there." Lance said.
"Where does it go?" Pidge asked.
"I don't know. Shiro, you're the senior officer here. What should we do?" Lance stated. Lani looked at Shiro and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"Whatever is happening here, the lion knows more than we do. I say we trust it, but we're a team now. We should decide together." Shiro said with the leader persona he always had. Lani smiled a small smile and nodded her head.
"I agree with Shiro." She said with her neutral face. Everyone else seemed to agree and Pidge placed his hand on Lance's shoulder.
"All right. Guess we're all ditching class tomorrow." He said right before speeding up the lion and going through the wormhole. Everyone was holding on to something due to the force. Lani was holding on to Shiro since she wasn't near Hunk. Once they were stable and out the wormhole, Lani let go and walked over between Hunk and Lance.
"Whoa. That was..." Lance was cut off by Hunk vomiting. Lance looked away disgusted. A sign escaped Shiro, Pidge and Lani.
"So sorry." Hunk said.
"Dose he normally do this?" Lani asked.
Pidge answered, "I'm just surprised it took this long."
"I don't recognize any of these constellations. We must be a long, long ways from earth." Shiro stated as he looked out into space. Being fully honest neither did Lani. She looked out and felt scared for some reason. She held on to her arms and with one hand touched her back. She felt fear but, pushed it back to try and comfort her sick cousin.
"Well terra was on the other side of the worm hole. Those things are used for jumping through space in a tick." Lani said as the others looked at her weird.
"I was on an alien space ship for fourteen years guys. Don't you think I would pick up on these things?" She responded upset.
"Well the lion seems to want to go to this planet. I think.... I think it's going home." Lance said as lion speed up to the atmosphere of the planet. The force was strong and everyone ended up squished together.
"Guys personal space, except for you Lani. Hunk your breath is killing me." Lance said, winking at Lani and then a dead plan face at Hunk.
"Um, is it just me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole? Also dude that's my cousin." Hunk asked ignoring Lance.
"I am hunk and trust me, the only way I'll be near you is to kick your butt." Lani said also fearing for the worst.
"Why are we listening to a robotic lion anyway?" Hunk asked.
"It got us away from an alien warship, didn't it?" Lance said and asked almost as if trying to start an argument.
"I don't know if you noticed, but we are in an alien warship." Keith said.
"Shut up mullet, at least we got away from creatures that are literally one of the worst species to be caught by." Lani said.
"Oh, are you scared?" Lance said with a smirk at Keith.
"With you at the helm? Terrified." Keith responded to Lance and then turned to Lani, "and to you.... Pineapple shut up"
"You suck mullet." She responded back.
"All right knock it off. No one's happy to be in this situation, but we're here now. If we want to get through this, we've got to do it together." Shiro said to get everyone to settle. Lani backed off but she was far from done.
"So what do we do?" Pidge asked. Shiro paused then looked up.
"First, we find out where we're headed." He said then looked down at lance, "Lance."
             Lance looked down slightly defeated, "I don't know. I'm sorry the lions not talking to me anymore. Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Shh! Listen. I think I hear something." He said. Everyone looked around as a sound was being heard.
"I'm hearing it too." Keith said.
Hunk looked focus as he went to explain the sound, "its, uh—it's kind of a—a high-pitched squeal?"
Everyone failing to notice the smirk on Lance's face. Then everyone let out a groan as Lance let out probably the nastiest smelling fart thus far.
"Come on, Lance!" everyone says trying to cover their nose.
"But seriously, there's a castle up ahead." Lance says as if nothing disgusting just happened.
"Lance that was absolutely disgusting." Lani commented as she smacked him behind the head. Everyone looked forward in amazement at the beautiful castle that was before them. The lion landed at its steps almost as if they were connected.
"Keep your guard up." Shiro said.
"Something wrong?" Pidge asked.
"Pidge I wouldn't be too willing to trust people. So I say we had best keep our guard up like Shiro said." Lani said trying to be comforting.
"That and my crew was captured by Aliens once. I'm not going to let that happen again." Shiro said seriousness on his face. Everyone walked out the lion and stood before the castle. The lion then started to move and roared as if connecting and communicating with the castle. Hunk was the first to start whinnying as the doors opened. Everyone walked in and Hunk was the first to yell out. Everyone looked his way but continued to walk through the palace. Then everyone was scanned as the palace was turned on and a passage was lit for all six people. They were lead into a control room where two pods were rising from the floor. Lani was in the fighting stance as Lance was in front of one of them. When it opened a girl maybe in her late teens woke up and yelled "father" as she fell. Lucky for her Lance caught her. Maybe it was unlucky but who knows.
"Hello." Lance smirked as he looked her in the eye.
"Who are you? Where am I?" she said confusion in her eyes and face.
"I'm Lance. And you're here in my arms." He said sounding as if trying to woe her. All you hear is Lani making vomiting noises and Hunk and Pidge holding back laughter. As Shiro tells them to calm down.
"Your ears." She sounding annoyed and confused.
"Yeah?" Lance questioned. Lani was confused as to who this person was. She still had her guard up.
"They're hideous. What's wrong with them?" the girl questioned once more.
"Nothing's wrong with them. They heard exactly what you said about them!" Lance was almost yelling out until Lani sees him getting pinned down.
"Who are you? Where is King Alfor? What are you doing in my castle?" she questioned.
"A giant blue lion brought us here. That's all we know." Lance yelled back in pain. Lani was about to go and break him out but once she got a look at her face. Lani froze, the evil witch that would do such awful experiments was in her mind. Then all anyone heard was her death scream and saw the young girl fall as she started to spas out. Lani saw nothing but black after that.

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