chapter 2

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           When Lani had awakened from her coma-like state, she had seen that the girl was confused and Shiro was holding Lani.

"S-Shiro?" Lani said. She stood up and leaned on him. Fear as she looked at the girl.

"Why don't you tell us who you are? Maybe we can help." Shiro said looking at the girl. Lani squeezed his arm, forgetting his arm was robotic. Hunk patted her back and held on to Shiro.

"I am princess Allura of planet Altea. "The one now known as Allura said. Lani decided now was the time to speak up but she released a blade from her back. The boys were shocked at where that came from.

"Are you an Altain?" Lani said, fear and pain in her voice. The princess didn't know what to do however; Lani knew she was right. She tried to attack the princess but Shiro held her back.

"You people are the worst! You strike fear in everyone that you want to step over!" Lani was in tears and trying to get out of Shiro's grip. Everyone was confused. The whole time that the five boys were with her, which wasn't long, she could have yelled at them but here she is; scared and weak. Hunk went and held her to him. The princess was shocked but stood her ground.

"My people would do no such thing. Now I've got to find out where we are and how long we have been asleep." Allura said as she went to activate a pad and was checking things in the computer that popped up. Pidge was very observant on how to work the Altain technology. When Allura did that the other pod opened and out came another altain. He woke and took action immediately.

"Enemy combatants!" he yelled as he tried to attack Lance but Lani went in for a swing almost knocking him down. "Quiznak! You're lucky I have a case of the old sleep chamber knees. Otherwise, I'd grab your head like this, wrap you up like so— one, two, three— [snaps fingers] sleepy time!" He said as demonstrated what he was going to do. Then Lance went on to do the same thing.

"Well, before you did that, I'd--" Lance said, "like that" was what he said after demonstrating his moves. From there it came to both of them challenging each other on moves neither one had. Still freaking out Lani went and knocked both Lance and the strange Altain down. She held the altain and practically had tears in her eyes.

"Never will you be able to hurt others. I was told of how you created a machine that was so powerful to kill and concur planets!" the tears were falling as Lance went to hold her back.

"Look I didn't know what you know but, my name is Coran. Also for how long I've been serving the royal family, I can say that we are no threat and actually mean to help people." The one now known as Coran said. Allura looked Lani in the eyes to confirm what the male Altain said. She then looked back at what she was searching for.

"This can't be." Allura said, shocked.

"What is it?" Coran said, worry in his voice.

"We've been asleep for 10,000 years." Allura said. She looked like she was in pain. Remembering something from her past. Lani had big eyes.

"That can't be." Lani said. Lance let her go and she fell instantly to her knees. She crawled over to her weapon and put it away; she then stood up and walked near the door.

"Planet Altea and all the planets from our solar system have been destroyed. Coran, father is gone and our entire civilization... Zarkon" Allura said with anger and hate in her eyes. She turned to Lani and looked at her.

"I'm sure you know who he is." Allura said to Lani.

            Lani looked at her with hate and fear, " sadly and he had me do many things I didn't want and things he did to me I wished never happened. However...... I'm out." Lani walked out and cried in the hall.

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