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Hero's POV

Her vulnerability? That's the last answer I would've expected from her. I guess the people you assume are guarded are the the most susceptible ones.

Her eyes still staring intently at mine, I find myself wondering what she holds behind them.

A soft laugh falls between us, "what?" She finally says after a short moment of silence.

"Uh nothing. I guess I'm sort of surprised." Her eyes unlock from mine and subtly rake down my torso.

"Hero?" Her voice comes out as a whisper. She brings her eyes back to mine, her attention is enough to send electricity rolling down my body. It's an unusual feeling, a reaction that I'm not too familiar with. I've never had to try so hard to hold myself together towards someone.

"Jo?" I mock her.

"I'm hungry." I sense a smiling tugging at my lips, I'm quite hungry as well. I haven't eaten anything since the time I rolled out of bed, I could use something to fill my empty stomach.

"Great, let's go to one of the restaurants they own here!" She squeals in excitement.

The restaurants looked so busy from what I saw earlier, I'd much rather just call room service and call it a day. Plus, I'm not in the mood to change my clothes. "Why can't we just order room service?"

A frown clouds her face, "room service probably doesn't provide good food at this time. I heard the food in the restaurants are really good," Jo tries to convince me. I stare at her quietly, silently delivering a no but she refuses to take that as an answer. She pouts her lower lip like a child, trying to persuade me otherwise.

Before I could speak, she resets her lips back to normal and releases a long, drawn out sigh. "Okay," she says head faced down. "I'll order room service," her words come out dry and blue.

I've always thought that reverse psychology was bullshit, but now i'll have to reconsider that thought.

Jo has her hand on the telephone handle, just before she could pick it up I place my hand over hers. "On second thought, let's go down to the restaurants," my words causes the color in her face to quickly recover.

She claps her hands together as her lips pull into a tight smile just by my simple gesture.

Jo's POV

I've decided to wear a plain white v-neck dress that  stops at the middle of my thigh and flows just below my waist. The straps are thin, but not too thin. My hair is down in loose waves and parted in the middle, I debate on straightening it but disregard the idea when I look at the clock. I take one quick look and the mirror and can't help but notice how pain my chest is. I dig into my bag and take out a gold necklace with a tiny pendant on it and pull it around my neck. My look is simple, but chic.

I swipe on some lip gloss and come to the conclusion that I'm ready. When I exit the bathroom I spot Hero sitting on the couch, legs spread. He is wearing a grey jacket along with distressed blue jeans. I take note of his gelled back hair which nearly knocks the wind out of me. He seems to be surprised when he catches me, he stands up and tucks his phone in his jacket pocket. Gosh he's tall.

Handsome too, my subconscious adds. I push the redundant remark to the back of my head and focus on back on him.

He adjust his jacket collar and clears his throat, "ready?" He says, a smile spread across his face. My eyes travel to his cheeks where his dimple lies, distracting me yet again.

"Yes." Hero opens the door for me which welcomes a cool breeze to coat my skin. That reminds me, I should probably bring a jacket. "Actually, I need a coat." I run to my suit case and search for the denim jacket I packed.

"This is why we should've just ordered room service," Hero nags. I look up and glare at him. "I'm joking," he laughs.

I turn my head away from him to hide the smile that occurs on my face unwelcomely. When I find the sliver of blue resting at the bottom of my suitcase I pull it out, causing all the clothes laying on top to unfold. I ignore the mess and throw the jacket over my shoulders, leaving the arms swinging loosely.

"Now I'm ready," I saw walk pass Hero exiting the room.

I'm so so sorry this part is so short. I've been so busy and I don't want you guys to wait any longer so I figured I might as well upload this. Again, I apologize and I'll be sure to update for you guys as soon as I can! :)

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