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Josephine's POV

Dinner with Hero was fun. I told him all the basic stuff about me, even the little things and he told me funny stories that he experienced with his friends.

After dinner, we went back up to his hotel room. When we get inside, I take off my jacket and fold it neatly in my suitcase. it's quite weird to be sharing a room with hero, alone.

it's fine.

At least i'd get to know him more. it'll be beneficial for the film.

When Hero walks into the bathroom, I take it as a good opportunity to change. I remove my shoes and set it beside my suitcase, i quickly reach for the hem of my dress and pull of over my body. i shuffle around my suitcase pulling out the same cotton shirt and gray shorts. when my clothes are on, i neatly fold my white dress back into my suitcase.

i hop onto the bed with my phone, pulling the fluffy white duvet over my body. as i scroll through my instagram feed—which i don't do very often—suddenly, i jolt as i hear the door swing open.

when i turn my head, i see hero's tall figure walking out with just his grey sweatpants on hanging low on his waist. every muscle on his torso to his chest glows from the warm light reflecting off it. he's a living Greece statue, a literal work of art.

subconsciously, i let out a gasp which i try to cover up with an awkward cough as i look back at my phone screen.

could he put on a shirt for my sake?

I could see his body disappearing from the corner of my eye making me feel uneasy. all of a sudden, I feel a heavy weight crash beside me on the bed.

my back faces him as i quietly gulp to myself. i try to last a few more seconds on the bed but the tension i feel in the space between us is unbearable.

i quickly get up and shift my body to him. "I can go to the couch, it's a pull out right?" I ask awkwardly.

I don't know why i suddenly feel so apprehensive around him, he kind of already saw me in the shower. Oh god, the bathroom incident. I had totally forgotten about it, i wish i still did.

Hero's arm is folded on the bottom of his head supporting it as the other scrolls through his phone. He switches his attention to me, "yeah i think so," he simply says then looks back at his phone.

okay... before i decide to get up he speaks.

"but it's fine, i can sleep on the couch," he offers adding a sweet smile that shoots an unexpected warmth through my chest.

"oh no! this is your room, i'll sleep on the couch." my words come out stiff and awkward.

he smiles at me, lifting his lips upward revealing the top row of his teeth as his one dimple crinkles. "Jo, i really don't care. just sleep there if you want," he says eyeing the bed, then back at his phone.

i don't realize i'm staring at him until he says, "Jo, don't overthink it. if you'd like to sleep here go ahead. it's much more comfortable anyways," he says, eyes glued to the screen.

"okay... thanks," i say adjusting myself under the blanket.

Hero continues to lay on the bed, i wasn't fully aware that he meant he was going to stay there.

okay, so first we're sharing a room and now a bed?

that's fine...

it'll help us feel more comfortable around each other for the movie i'm sure.

i go through my phone, grinning at the sweet messages my friends had left me. I spend about two minutes on instagram viewing my tagged posting and liking them.

"I'm gonna be honest," he begins.

Oh no, he's not regretting letting me stay here is he? Maybe i should've just slept on the couch.

"you're a lot different from Julia." he says.

"Hm?" I ask looking up at him. who is this Julia he is comparing me to?

"Julia, the original cast for Tessa."

"Ohh! right, sorry."

he laughs lightly, "you're fine."

I clear my throat, "different how?" Not a bad different I hope.

"I'm going to try to say this to you in the nicest way possible..." he warns me.

i frown, biting on one side of my bottom lip as i brace myself for what he's going to say.

"you're sort of irritating, Jo. I feel like it would've been better for me if they kept Julia." He eyes me.

I am mortified, frozen to the spot.

I lay there staring at his face in shock, replaying the words he had said in my head. he didn't just say that, why would he say that? does he not realize how awkward things would be now? I gulp, feeling the heavy ache rising up my throat.

as i am still contemplating his unpleasant words, he breaks out a cruel and loud laugh. why is he laughing? what could possibly be so funny?

is my embarrassment that amusing to him? I don't know what to say, i'm speechless.

i try to swallow the lump inside my throat as his sits there and laughs at me.

"Jo," he begins, calming himself down.

I don't reply to him, instead i wait for what he's going to say.

"are you mad at me?"

I don't feel like talking, i don't trust my voice right now.

am i mad at him?

i'm not mad for how he feels about me, offended yes, but why would he choose to say it out loud? that's just rude.

he raises his eyebrows lowering his head to me searching for an answer.

"mad about what?" i manage to say.

"about what i said."

"I guess... who would be pleased hearing someone call them irritating?"

I don't understand how i've been irritating, he offered letting my stay in his room, and he seemed fine with going down for dinner.

he laughs at me again. at this point i wish i was the lamp on the table so i wouldn't have to feel this humiliation. on second thought, if i was the lamp i'd feel second hand embarrassment for myself.

"Jo," he dares to say.

i ignore him, looking at my phone.

"Jo!" he wiggles my shoulder. "I'm just joking!"

my eyes meet his, I'm still slightly upset despite the relief flooding through me.

"You're a dick," i tell him trying my best to conceal my smile.

he laughs even harder, "I wish i recorded the look on your face!" he shoves in.

i roll my eyes at him rotating my body so that my back faces him.

"hey, I'm sorry," he says still laughing.

i ignore him, i don't feel angry anymore but i still want to keep up this act up just for fun.

"Jo I was just joking I swear, you're not irritating at all."

I turn around looking him straight in the eye, "that makes one of us," I say fighting a smile.

His eyes widen in disbelief. "You firing shots there aren't you?" he challenges.

"maybe," I say, this time not fighting the smile that tugs on my lips.

Hey guys! sorry i haven't updated this im forever, i'm planning on making more chapters so i won't just leave you guys handing. don't forget to vote, thanks for reading. <3

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