Act 9

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*The next morning...*

It was 8:45 AM. My alarm clock started beeping and I awoke to the sound of Joe groggily waking up.

"Urggh..." He rose up from his sleeping bag.

"Good morning!" I said with a smile.

He genuinely looked a bit confused.

"Huh? What am I doing here?"

"You went on a sleepover with me, dummy!" I laughed.

"That's strange. I vaguely recall a conversation with Paul and John, something about a love confession, and a call to my parents, but that's all. What happened?"

Well, fuck.

Oh wait, shoot, I forgot not to swear.

"Erm, you kind of passed out," I lied.

"Well, what happened while I was passed out? Did I lose my virginity?"


Joe just kind of sat there in silence for a bit. He was kind of nervous too.

"Uhh, I feel weird."

"Well, maybe some breakfast will make you feel more, uh normal. Here, I'll cook you some pancakes!"

Joe kind of just looked at me weird for a sec, then said, "Sure! I'd love some pancakes right now."

I put on a plaid robe and went downstairs. Thankfully, my parents weren't up yet (since it was a weekend), so I had free reign of the kitchen. It was like any other kitchen; an island with a plant on top, a refrigerator, a stove, etc. Typical kitchen stuff.

I already made a bunch of pancakes in the past, so I knew exactly what to do. This time though, I would add chocolate. Something I haven't really done before since my mom and dad really like blueberry. I don't know why, but I'm not judging.

While I was mixing the pancake dough, Joe came down. He was in the cutest pajamas; they had hearts all over them, and it was just soooo cute!

"Wow, nice pajamas!" I smiled.

He looked at his pajamas and blushed.

"You know, these are the only pajamas I had. They were gifted to me by my aunt."

"Well, they look good on you!"

He looked surprised. Then he smiled.


"Why don't you sit down? I'm still mixing the pancakes, so it'll be a while."

"Alright." He sat down.

"You could watch some TV," I told him, pointing to the remote.

"Thanks." He grabbed the TV and started watching cartoons.

*Some cooking time later...*

"It's done!"

In my hands, I held one plate full of chocolate pancakes. I saw Joe's eyes light up as I carried it to the table.

"Alright, dig in!"

With no hesitation, he grabbed a few pancakes from the platter and started devouring it.

"Dang, you must be really hungry," I giggled. "There's syrup if you want some."

He stopped for only a minute to grab the syrup and pour it on his pancakes. Then he resumed consuming it. I just quietly ate mine, while staring at him.

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