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warning: this book will consist of self harm, drug abuse, sexual abuse, smut, physical abuse, alcohol abuse & partying.


there's a knock at the door, but max can't hear it. she's too busy listening to the soothing sound of her favourite song playing in her ears. laying back with her eyes closed, taking in the lyrics.

She is interrupted by someone pulling her earphones out aggressively.

"seriously max? how loud is that thing?" billy asks. "get up"

"why?" she asks as she sits up a little, crossing her arms.

"it's a school day, I have to take you, unfortunately." "take me? are you not going?"

"what's the point?"

"um... well you're a senior, you have college next year?" I state.

"bold of you to assume I'm going to college. and you can't talk, you're a junior and you barely go."

She rolls her eyes and strokes her bottom lip with her tongue in thought.

"okay. well get out so I can get ready."

"already gone." he says as he heads out the door.

She makes her way to her wardrobe, wondering what to wear. She doesn't care what other people think of her style, not that she really has one.

She pretty much just wears leather and denim like her step brother.

She decides to get out some black, ripped jeans, an acdc shirt and a black, leather jacket.

She puts it all on and takes a look in the mirror, thinking for a moment.

"I want a motorbike".

Susan, neil and billy all turn to her, looking at her like she just told them she robbed a bank, or got arrested.

"im sorry, what?" neil asks with pure confusion in his tone.

"I want a motorbike..." she starts off hesitantly. "instead of getting me a car, get me a motorbike...?"

"motorbikes are death machines Maxine." her mother says matter of factly. she scoffs loudly.

"yeah there's plenty of those around this house."

she crosses her arms, Billy immediately knows what she's referring to. you can tell by the look on his face, his sudden eyebrow raise. but the parents are lost.

"just take me to school, Billy."

he nods and grabs his keys, heading out the door. "you shouldn't say that shit around him."

"what's he going to do?" she asks, although she knows exactly what he would do.

"do you really have to ask that?"

max pushes open the doors, heading to her little hide out behind the school.

she goes there to just take a break from everything.

She makes sure no one is following her, as she heads behind the building, leaning against the wall and sliding down it, taking a seat on the cold grass.

She fiddles with her fingers for a while, sniffling as she suddenly spots someone taking a seat beside her.

she looks up at them in silence as they light a cigarette, taking a drag then holding it out for her. She takes it.

"thank you..."


She inhales from the cigarette, coughing a little as she hands it back.

"thanks, so what you doing back here?"

"escaping those bullshit halls."

"hm. I'm jane, hopper."

"oh the chiefs daughter." "that's me."

"im-" "Maxine Mayfield." she interrupts with.

"well, max, but yeah... how do you know me?"

"oh I- I heard some girls talking about you, and your brother is billy right?"

"step brother, yeah."


Although she said "cool", she didn't say it like any other girl would. she didn't say it like, "oh cool, I can use you to get closer to your brother and fuck him", which was new.

they sat there in silence after that, passing the cigarette, but max doesn't mind the silence.

She likes the quiet, she likes not having someone asking her what's wrong every five seconds and questioning me.

"so... what's your story?" max asks, finally breaking the silence. Jane turns toward her and furrows her brows.

"like, why did I move here two months ago?" she asks.

she just nods, hoping it isn't a touchy subject.

"uh, I had a crappy life back home. I've been in 15 foster homes since I was 3."

"wow... wait so is hopper your adoptive father?"

"no, biological. I went looking for him, got a test done and everything. then he decided he wanted to have me so." she looks back down at her lap.

"wow..." she tries to think of something else to say besides "wow" but she can't.

"how about you Maxine?" she asks, turning her attention toward her completely.

"max, and um, abusive step dad... My mom just watches it happen... my dad died four years ago, and my best friend died five months ago..."

She stares at the ground, zoning out a little. just remembering what happened.

It was a truly traumatizing experience.

"well fuck."

She flinches a little at Jane's voice. "yeah..."

the bell rings in the distance, causing jane to look away.

"okay well, I should go. I'll see you."

Max nods as she watches jane get up and leave.

She thinks she just made a friend... But she can't be sure... She's never sure anymore.

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