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warning: this book will consist of self harm, drug abuse, sexual abuse, smut, physical abuse, alcohol abuse & partying.


jane pov -

getting home last night was rough. i snuck in and stole some alcohol.

I don't remember much except falling over at 3am and waking the asshole in the other room up.

he yelled at me.

oh well, he's an asshole as been established.

i haven't slept, I just needed to drink, and take a wander.

I've been walking for hours. 4 to be exact.

and I find myself at the place I love most. Ew... love.

I just walk, kicking rocks out of my path, until I hear a bang, like a car door shutting.

who could be here? in my place.

I start to follow the sound, I hear someone laughing.

I hate to admit that my first thought was a killer clown was luring me to the cliff to kill me... I will never tell anyone that.

after trying to find the sound for what felt like hours, I push a branch out of the way, and see someone standing at the edge.

I recognise the clothing, and the hair. I look over and see the blue camaro parked a few metres away.

I walk over to the cliff slowly and quietly, scaring someone on the edge of a cliff isn't a good idea so I'm not just going to shout her name.

I see her leg hovering over the edge and that's when I realise she isn't just here to look at the view.

I walk over there, standing beside her, she hasn't noticed I'm there yet.

"max" i whisper, still nothing.

I softly place my hand on her shoulder, making her flinch a little as she snaps out of whatever zone she was in.

she looks at me, her eyes red.

"were you going to jump?"

all she does is nod, barely.

"you dumb bitch..."

she furrows her brows at me, clearly confused.

shit, were those the wrong words to say to someone who was about to kill themselves?

"sorry... bad with emotions."

I hesitantly pull her into a hug, affection really isn't my thing... it's not like I've ever been shown it. well, besides steve I haven't.

she takes a moment to wrap her arms around me too, and she just starts crying.

it honestly... hurts? to hear her crying like this... and for some reason I feel something weird.

like a gut feeling... a bad one. I've never felt this before but, I think it's guilt? I feel guilty...

I was a bit of a dick to her last night. but I'm always a dick.

she pulls away from me, staring down at the ground, not saying a word.


"yeah?" she asks as she finally looks at me.

"are you okay?"

she takes a moment, a long one. she just shakes her head as to say "no".

I have no idea what to say, I have never dealt with this before.

I look over my shoulder at the parked camaro, billy wouldn't just let her drive that alone..

"did you drive your brother's car here?"

"I stole it"

i look at her, as we both make eye contact with eachother. just bursting out into laughter.

the laughter lasts a while, I don't even know why we're laughing. but we are, and it's nice.

we both stop, and I just come closer to her, I hate seeing her cry... that sounds so weird and nice, ew.

i just wipe her tears away, wanting to take her mind off everything.

"keys?" I ask, she reaches into her pocket and hands me the keys.

"where are we going?" "don't worry about it"

i get into the driver's seat, starting up the car as she gets in the passenger.

i have no idea where we are going, but I do know that alcohol and drugs need to be involved to get both our minds off of everything.

i just drive, having the music up loudly. she doesn't say anything to me that whole ride.

I have to admit, I'm kind of uncomfortable around her. none of my beliefs about her being homophobic have changed.

but she's my friend, and I am a loyal one.

i pull up at my house, seeing Jim's car not parked there.

"he's at work, we're all clear." "clear for what...?" she asks as she unbuckles her seatbelt.

i just step out of the car, making my way inside the house. i walk to my bedroom and I can hear her follow shortly behind.

i go through all my draws, looking.

"what are you looking for?" she asks, but I ignore her.

i head to the bathroom and look through the cupboards, finally finding my tin.

it's just a regular tin with a rainbow cover because gay rights 2019.

i grab it, turning to her.

"question. I heard you used to be quite the bad girl." "oh yeah... those were bad days."

"what happened?" "I just did a lot of drugs, and drank a lot, partied with people I didn't even like. a lot of bad shit. slept around"

"ah... well." I take a step forward, opening the tin that contains some party pills and marijuana.

she looks a little surprised that I have this, but her expression quickly changes.

"I can't..." "oh come on." "I really can't, if my family finds out I'm doing it again-" "fuck your family."

"w-what?" "I said, fuck, your, family. they don't care about you. but I do. and I know this will help. come on max... let's just have some fun."

she looks at me, some worry in her expression. but she nods. "okay"


if you guys couldn't tell from the description of the story, this relationship will be a toxic one. jane will be a bad influence on max throughout the story but uh, they'll still be cute af because elmax rights 2019?


I don't even know why I don't update, I'm homeschooled and stay in bed all day editing but okay-

anyway, I'm going to try to update more, I mean it this time... I think.

can I quickly just say that nancy wheeler is adorable? okay thanks bye

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