Who did I just see again?

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As the ride started we had our go-pro filming our vlog for our YouTube channel The Edgy Girls. The guys noticed us vlogging and started to be goofs in the footage. When the ride was over we went to the flying swings and did not notice the group of guys followed us to every ride that night. After the swings we went on this ride which was a big circle facing outward that spun in a circle and swung side to side and got progressively higher and faster. When that stopped we went to the drop tower, four other rollercoasters and then to the final ride we rode  the gravitron. Its a ride where gravity holds you to a bed like seat that your buckled onto so you don't fly off and you spin really fast and slowly tilt to an angle.
It was around midnight when we got home and set up the stuff to edit in our film room. We went to our rooms showered and went to bed. The next day around 11:30 a.m we edited the vlog and uploaded. We had a party prep day cause my mom and dad had a business trip for the next week then a vacation for their parent time. We went to Micheals, Party City and a few other stores to get the party stuff. My friend from back in Kansas sent me a package of weed to roll blunts and joints for the party and the girls and I found a random person to buy the alcohol. Our Dj arrived at 9:30 to set up his stuff on the stand. The party was posted around town and even a few friends we met the day before at the mall and pier spread the word. We prepared for 2,000 people between 18 - 24 to show up bc that was the age group allowed. We even had security guards at every entrance checking ids to be sure.
When 11:30 pm hit the party had just begun. My parents had the house sound proof so the neighbors were never disturbed and cops were never called. The three of us were dancing with our alcohol bottles in our hands. I threw mine away and went back to dancing. I had my long dark red hair curled with my shaved right side with a black mini dress, flannel and thigh high boots on. Next thing I know a group of guys came in screaming "LETS GET THIS PARTY JUMPING!" The voices were familiar and the three of us stopped and looked at each other and thats when it clicked. It was the group of guys from the pier. Y/n: " OH MY FUCKING GAWD !!!!" Jess: " Y/N what is it? What's wrong?" Sky: " Talk to us Y/N." I paused stuck in my own world it really was him. Y/N: " Pinch me to make sure im not going crazy." All of a sudden Jess and Sky pinched my ass.
Nope I definitely was not dreaming. Y/n: " Jess! Sky! Thats Colby Brock and his bff Sam and their friend group Corey, Jake, Aaron and Brennen!" Sky and Jess at the same time " As in 'I'm in love with him' drooling over him then depressed bc he never noticed me and they moved away COLBY BROCK!" Y/n:" YESSSSSSSSS!" I said. What was I gonna do. I ran to my room to fix my makeup, my hair, and outfit check. Jess and Sky burst in " Y/N! What are you doing!" I replied back "Maybe he will notice me being they followed us everywhere yesterday at the pier. They spoke in unison again "that was them yesterday and in the video? Check our video comments!" Our video we had uploaded this morning had 2.5M views. We rushed back to the party my fishnets and mini dress remained with my thigh-high boots. "Well well well if y'all don't look fine." Three of the six familiar voices said. We turned around and the group was standing right behind us. "Well you sir are fine looking yourself." I said looking at Colby. The three of us went back to the bar and I got a Smirnoff and a blunt while the girls got their drinks and we went to our VIP spot on the balcony. The guys approached our area. "Sorry guys can't let you in." Our security guard told them. I replied "It's good Allen. Right girls?" "Right they!" They responded. "In ya go boys!" After we had the party cleared out Colby, Jake and Brennen remained sitting on the balcony with us. Security cleared everyone else out and the cleaning crew cleaned up as we hung out. I checked the clock it was 3:30 a.m.  Colby sitting next to me, Brennen next to Jess and Jake next to Sky. "Alright I'm going inside these mosquitoes like my sweet meat." I said. Colby followed me inside to my room. 

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