Friends Or Foes

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The next day Shayna and DeAnn were walking down the hallway when they noticed some of the soliders were giving them dirty looks.

Both girls secretly wondered if they had done something wrong. While Starscream and Knock Out were receiving the same cold stairs.

Then Knock Out noticed one of them pulled out a gun and was about to aim it at the girls and the others did the same.

Without thinking Knock Out grabbed Shayna and transformed so she was in his alt mode to help shield her from the bullets.

"Duck down on my floorboard." He told her. And she obeyed. Thay looked over and were relieved to see that Starscream had DeAnn and was using his servos to protect her.

They rushed down the hallway trying to get the girls to safety. But one bullet shot through Knock Out's windshield fortunately it was on the driver's side so it didn't hit Shayna who was on the passenger's side.

But it did damage Knock Out's radio that was now playing a song and wouldn't turn off. "Scrap." He groaned.

"Why are they trying to shoot us?" Asked Shayna.

"Yeah I thought everyone in this base was supposed to be on our side." Said Starscream.

Pixel who was in Shayna's purse at the time was now letting out panicked beeps and boops. They rush down the hallway as both Starscream and Knock Out were trying desperately to protect their charges from being shot.

And they passed several soldiers wjo were fighting each other and more Autobots who were trying to protect their human friends.

"Has the whole base gone mad?" Asked Knock Out as he turned another corner in the hallway. And Shayna got out her phone and called Agent Fowler to ask what was going on.

"What is happening in this base?!" Shayna had yelled to be heard over the gun shots that were currently ringing through the whole base.

"It turns out some of our soldiers are actually MECH Agents right now other then the human charges, myself and a small handful of NEST soldiers we don't know who's on our side anymore and who's with MECH." Agent Fowler explained.

"And what is with that music?" He added before they got cut off.

They made it to the main room of the base and found Optimus and Ratchet there who had opened the ground bridge.

"We have no choice but to split up the team again we'll send each Autobot and their human charge to a different location until we can meet up somewhere safe." Ratchet explained.

"The base is no longer safe all of you will be bridge to random locations and we will meet up at the scrap yard where Bumblebee and his team are." Optimus told them. "This base is lost to us." "The other have already gone you are the only ones left to send to safety then me and Ratchet will bridge as well."

Starscream and DeAnn went first Pixel went with them.

Then Knock Out drove through the ground bridge with Shayna in his alt mode. After the Austin Martin had gone through it was Ratchet's turn.

The Optimus went through and shot the console on his way though. To keep MECH from following them.

Meanwhile Cane was in the brig when some MECH Agents came and set him free.

"Thank you now if you gentleman will excuse me I have a score to settle with a young woman and a red sports car." Cane said as he took a gun and loaded it.

Then walked down the hallway. He came to the main room to find everyone had already escaped and the ground bridge had been destroyed so there was no way to locate them.

He screamed in frustration and tossed his gun across the room. Unfortunately it went off just as one unlucky MECH Agent walked in only to have a bullet fly passed his head.

The poor guy petted himself down as if trying to make sure he was all there. Then looked to see the others stairing at him.

"Yeah I'm just gonna go now." He told them leaving the room not wanting to deal with his leader while he was in that kind of mood."

"What do we do Sir all the cybertronian and their human friends have escaped?" Asked another MECH Agent.

"Why we hunt them down of course." Cane said as a sinister smile crossed his face.

Meanwhile Knock Out and Shayna came out of the ground bridge on a beach Shayna had managed to get his radio turned of for him.

"Thanks Shay that was starting to drive me nuts." Knock Out thanked her.

"Anytime KO." She told him.

Then the two of them set on the beach Shayna could tell her guardian was worried.

"I hope the others are ok." He said looking off to the ocean.

"I'm sure their fine." Shayna told the red medic trying to reassure him. "All the Autobots and humans on our team are strong."

Then they watch some dolphins swim by. As the sun was setting.

"We better try to find somewhere safe to spend the night." Knock Out said snapping out of it. "Then tomorrow we start trying to find our way to the scrap yard and looking for the others."

"Sounds like a deal." Shayna smiled as she got inside Knock Out's alt mode and they drove off.

The two had drove for a while when they found a spot where they thought they could rest.

Knock Out stopped at a clearing where he let Shayna out of his alt mode for awhile and change into his bot mode since there were no humans here to have to worry about being seen by.

And they watch the stars for awhile. Until they got tired and Knock Out changed back to his vehicle mode so Shayna could sleep inside it.

She was about to get comfortable when Knock Out remembered something.

"Shayna I have something I want to give you check my glove compartment." He told her.

"Ok." She said as she opened it and found a small metal tube that fit in her hand.

"What is this?" She asked.

"Step out of my alt mode and push that button on the said of it." He instructed her and she obeyed.

She pressed the button and was surprised to see the metal tube expand into a staff that looked like his energon prob.

"It works exactly like my energon prob does and is just as powerful only small enough for a human to wield and if you push the button again it goes back down so you can keep it in you purse or pocket." He explained.

"After the whole fiasco with Cane and all the craziness that went down at base I want you to have a way to defend yourself against any humans or cybertronians who might try to harm you if there ever comes I time when I can't." He told her.

"Thanks." She replied hugging his servo.

Then change into his bot mode and he spent awhile teaching her how to use it. Then he changed back to his alt mode and she got back inside to get some sleep. So they could rest knowing that in the morning they'd have a long journey ahead of them.

To Be Continued.

There you go chapter three is down now. I'll try to update this and my others stories soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback. The song above is what Knock Out's radio is playing.

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