Enemy Mine

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Meanwhile MECH had picked up on a cybertronian signal and went to investigate it. Cane had gone with them because if it was Knock Out he wanted to be there for his capture wanting to get revenge on him for what happened to his Dad.

And he wanted to get back at Shayna for getting him captured as well.

But he was disappointed when he got there and saw that the transformer wasn't the red sports car. It was a black and red wolf like mech who was actually doing a good job of finding them off.

He wasn't as strong as Megatron had been but he was more then making up for it with how cunning and agile he was.

"How hard is it to capture a wolf bot you caught Megatron for crying out loud!" Cane scolded his men.

"Wow you guys managed to get Megatron?" Night Wolf said in amusement. "Oh how the mighty have fallen."

"Well we had to use an EMP and quite a bit of liquid nitrogen to keep him from fighting us then he still managed to destroy one of our bases." Cane explained.

"Well he was leader of the Decepticons for a reason." Night Wolf told them.

"So which faction are you on?" Cane asked. "I don't see an insignia."

"I'm a NAIL as in none aligned intelligent lifeform." Night Wolf explained. "I like to do things my own way." "In fact the only reason I'm on this mudball of a planet is to destroy my enemy."

"And what enemy would that be?" Asked Cane now taking an interest.

"His name is Knock Out and we have quite a history." Night Wolf answered.

"You and I have something in common then Knock Out was responsible for what happened to my Dad and I want to make him pay for it." Cane told the black and red wolf mech.

"You don't say." Night Wolf said in amusement.

"Maybe you can help MECH out?" Cane told him. "There's an old saying here on Earth the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"So what do you say MECH can pervade you with some upgrades so you can capture Knock Out and bring him to our base where we can slowly torture and destroy him together." Cane Added. "But I want his human partner Shayna as well."

"So that's her name consider it done she was the one who help him the last time I tried to end him." Night Wolf agreed. "I'll help you guys if it means I can rip Knock Out's spark out and you can do whatever you like with his little human pet."

"Ok partner." Cane told Night Wolf.

"Name's Night Wolf." The wolf mech replied.

"Night Wolf sounds dark I like it." Cane replied. "Now let's get you those upgrades."

Then Night Wolf smiled darkly as they went to the MECH base.

Once they arrived at the base they gave Night Wolf the upgrades Cane promised. Which included a supersonic howl and they upgraded his claws to so he could electrify them and they would work the same way as Knock Out's energon prob.

Except they were attached to him and it would hurt a cybertronian even more to be stabbed with them.

They also gave him an EMP and let him scan a vehicle mode. Cane actually let him scan his own car.

"So I think this should be more then enough to take done and capture our shared enemies." Cane said with a sinister smile that Night Wolf returned.

"Oh yes I can't wait to make Knock Out suffer by the time we finish with him he'll wish he was never forged." Night Wolf said with sheer glea.

"Your getting ahead of yourself we still need to capture him first." Cane told him.

"So how are we gonna capture him?" Asked Night Wolf.

"You told me you two have a history so you must know something about his habits and tendencies maybe you can use some of that knowledge to figure out how to trap him?" Cane suggested.

"Yes I can tell you a lot about him and his past on Cybertron and Velocitron." Night Wolf told him.

"Velocitron?" Asked Cane.

"Yes the speed planet Knock Out's original home planet." Night Wolf explained. "There are other woulds besides Cybertron."

"See your already teaching us things." Cane told Night Wolf. "Now let's work together to come up with a plan so Knock Out, Shayna and the rest of their friends won't know what hit them."

To Be Continued.

Sorry this chapter was short and it was mostly a bad guy chapter and didn't have any of the heroes in it but this one was just a filler leading into some more exciting chapters later. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

Transformers Knock OutDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora