Chp. 2

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Sam sat on the ground. The ground was hot and rough. It was uncomfortable, but he sat anyways. He has been sitting there since Lucifer healed him and left. It been weeks now; maybe even months, yet Sam still sits. Waiting. He's waiting for Lucifer to reappear, but he doesn't. He hasn't seen him or heard a sound from him. It's driving him crazy. Waiting. After being stuck with Lucifer then not seeing him, not knowing where he is, it's maddening. But it's not like Sam wants to see him. No. That's crazy.... Okay maybe just a little. He's just curious, okay?

"So are you ignoring me now?" Sam asks the air, trying to get a response, "I thought you said you wanted me to pay? That you weren't going to leave me alone?" Sam stands and tries to look around. He's tired of the dark. It's all he can see and he hates it. "Where are you dammit?!" Sam yells out and his voice echoes through the darkness.

Lucifer appears a few feet away from him. "What?" he asks annoyed. Sam's taken aback by Lucifer's tone. No sarcasm, no softness, no urgency; it's flat. Sam makes a bitch face. "What am I supposed to do here? I thought you were going to make me suffer but I haven't seen you since we arrived?!" Sam asks uneasy. Lucifer sends his a pleasures smirk. "You're babbling Sam," Lucifer informs, "I wasn't ignoring you. I was... Thinking."

Sam makes a face. "Thinking?" he questions. Lucifer sighs and walks closer to Sam so he can see him better. "I was thinking about how I'm stuck in this cage now and I'm not getting out anytime soon. But.. This time I'm with you. I have my other half with me. I'm whole." Sam gulps, "And..?" Lucifer chuckles, "Sam it was you all along. My destiny was shattered but it led me to you. Your my true pairing. My life, and it doesn't matter if we're locked inside this cage. I'm here with you aren't I? Now this is my destiny." Lucifer moves closer to Sam. He looks him deep in the eyes. "I'm sorry that I tortured you, but in all honesty, it's what led to this. I don't apologize for where it has led us." Sam licks his lips. He stares into the pale blue of Lucifer's and breaths shakily. "So what does that mean?" Sam asks confused and uncertain of Lucifer's plans.

Lucifer just smirks and pulls Sam to him. Their lips collide and Lucifer kisses him gently.

Holy shit. What is happening? Oh god!

Sam feels the coolness of Lucifer on his mouth. He moans in surprise of the sudden touch. To Lucifer's surprise, Sam kisses back. He moves his hand to the back of Lucifer's neck and kisses slowly at first. Lucifer pushes himself against Sam and tangles his fingers in Sam's long hair. Lucifer kisses Sam more roughly and eagerly. Sam reacts the same when Lucifer grabs his waist and moves his tongue over his lips. Sam parts his lips, allowing Lucifer to slide his tongue in Sam's mouth. They battle for dominance, which Lucifer wins with his strength.

Sam pulls back breathlessly in need of air. He looks at Lucifer with fright.

What am I doing? I can't do this. But I did. And I am. And I don't want to stop. It feels wrong, no, it feels right. I think, I can't think with him near me. He puts thoughts into my head. I can't stop him. Let me go, no, kiss me. I don't know. Leave me alone... I need you... Dammit!

Sam pushes Lucifer back and he hits a wall. Sam makes a face when he sees Lucifer against the wall.

Sam's mind clouds with questions, but he pushed them aside. He wanted something. Someone. Or is that just what thoughts Lucifer is putting in his head?

He blinks, trying to clean his mind.

"That's right Sam. You know that this is what you want. You want me. I want you. I have you now. So why don't you take me?" Lucifer cooes and it makes Sam shiver.

Sam moves toward and places a hand on each side of Lucifer's head.

No. Stop. This isn't right. This is what he wants.

Sam ignores the voice trying to reason with him.

I want him.

Sam lowers his head to Lucifer's neck and bites at it playfully. Lucifer moans out Sam's name, which messes with Sam's mind and his down stairs. He presses his body flush against Lucifer's while nipping at his neck. Lucifer strokes Sam's hair and hums sweetly.

Sam, stop. He's done something to you. He's poisoned you. Stop him. Stop it!

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