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After finishing their drinks. They thanked Irene and left the coffee shop.

"So, where will we go now?" San turned to Wooyoung.

"I don't know. Maybe we could go back to the forest since it's the only place outside where the sun isn't burning us alive."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. This summer is particularly boiling."

"A season can't be boiling. That doesn't make sense." Wooyoung frowned.

"Oh aren't you a smartass." San folded his arms.

"I sure am." Said Wooyoung pouting.

"Yeah, I guess you might be smarter than me since I'm not very smart." San sighed.

"Hey, Sannie what are you saying. I'm pretty sure you're smart too."

"My parents say I'm dumb." San shrugged. "They say that I should be more intelligent or something. Like my older brother."

Wooyoung looked surprised. "You have an older brother? That's amazing."

"Well, not really."

"Why not, how is he?"

"Uh, I guess he's fine. He's smart and kind but he doesn't spend much time at home since he started dating. Now Ten's always somewhere with his boyfriend."


One To All  s l a p s. Bops only. Ateez has legit never released a bad song. We stan the right group. 😔✊

Thank you for reading and don't forget to stream both Wave and Illusion uwu

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