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"Riight, we wanted to invite you too, since you have nothing to do most of the time, but when I went to Irene's she told me you just left." Explained Yeri while squeezing the water off her hair.

"Uh, yeah but I don't like swimming, it's too tiring," San said.

Wooyoung snorted. "Sannie you're so lazy."

San turned to him and pouted. "Heyy, I'm not lazyy."

"Sannie is lazy, Sannie is lazy." Chanted Wooyoung while poking San's arm.

"I'll show you that I'm not lazy, just watch how quickly I'll run up the hill." San grinned.

After that, he turned back to Yeri who looked at him with a blank expression.

"Uhm Yeri?"

She blinked a few times. "Yeah, it's nothing, by the way, who is it?" Yeri nodded to the place where Wooyoung was standing."

"Ah yes, I forgot to introduce you. This is my new friend Wooyoung. We met today morning and he's really nice. I've already introduced him to Irene." Said San and patted Wooyoung on the shoulder.

"And Wooyoung, this is Yeri. I've already told you about her earlier. She's Irene noona's little sister."


Swimming sure is tiring lmao.

Thank you for reading uwu

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