the beginning pt1

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This starts long before I was born... when my mother met my father.. They met when my mother was right out of high school. she didn't have a lot of stuff growing up, she only had the strongest heart and no one could take that away. growing up she didn't have a good start in life nether. her mom and her dad always got in fights and she got mental scars from this. when she met my father they just got out from an abusive relationship and was about to give up, but she is a stubborn lady I don't think she would give up so easily. she was heartbroken and alone. I don't really know how it went down because I wasn't there (obviously)

all I know is that when my father and mother made me with me he messed up big time and started being abusive. this started when my mother was in the prosses of her 5th months of pregnancy. he didn't know how to control his anger, he was like a little 5 year old not getting that toy that was super cool, excepted to an extreme. he was a dangerous man. lucky my nana was there to save the day because when my mother told her what was happening she hid my mom from him, helped her live life with out him. I don't know what happened after that but I think my father went back where he came from in another state, running away from the problems he has caused...

fast forward when I was born, I was my mothers first child and she had a hard time, so my nana helped with that was well and 21 hours later I was born. I don't really know who was all there but I do know my father wasn't there... he had another lady in his life... I'm not going to say my name, but my nana wanted my name to be Cheyanne, but my mother already picked a name, and now that's my middle name.

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