the beginning pt2

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when my mom got out of the hospital I was living with my nana for a few weeks before my mother could get us a small apartment just for the two of us. about two moths later my father wanted to get back in our lives but she refused and blocked him in everything, I think even a restraining order. she was a smart woman, but not smart enough. she could have reasoned and told him to take ager management and she needed to go to parenting classes. they were both in the wrong, and they knew that. I was told that I wasn't planned and that's why my mother and father had a horrible time, but it was just there personality's that got them to where they are at...

fast forward a year and a half, im almost two years old and that is when my mother met the worst man why ill ever come across in my life. my step-father.... before the got married my step-father gave my mom another child that when she is born will be my sister. I didn't know what was happening at the time. (I mean who does when your 2) after my new little sister was 3-4 months old my mother and step-father got married. at the time my mother was hurt and in pain and she needed to believed that live exist, so she married him in a span of three months... yes I know it was stupid for my mother to do, when I first found out all this I almost yelled at my mother for such a stupid desition

but It was done and done. my mother was married to my step-father for more than 8 years, and with those 8 years you might think that it was happy and heathy, but it was the complete opposite.. in that 8 years of marriage my step-father brought 4 other children to life. the last child made 5. 2 girls and 3 boys. and all though out those 8 years he was abusive... very... abuseive. my mother as asleep a lot of the time so she couldn't help... but when she was awake she tried to help us as much as she could. it got so bad a few times that our neighbors called the police a few times... I with I told the truth, but he told us to lie.

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