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My phone rang and I answered it excited. I actually couldn't wait to talk to her

"Jennifer!! No, wait...listen. Marshall just called. The judge made a ruling. She's coming home! Aren't you excited? Why don't you sound excited? Wait...what? How long are you staying with your mom? But Jenn, Sierra's coming home. Things will get better. So are you saying you want a divorce or? You just need a break? Ok. I love you too Jenn. Very much. Talk soon."

I hung up and sighed deeply and sat in the chair in the hallway

So I have news

Oh!? What's going on?

First tell me how Gaby is

She's good. She's such an easy going baby. I can't pry her away from Ashley though.

That's good. Does it upset you that she cries when you hold her?

Kinda. I want to give Ashley a break and she can't get one because the minute I hold her she screams until Ashley comes back

It happens. When we get back I'll show you some tricks. I think she senses some kind of stress or fear from you.


Yep. The judge ruled in our favor so she's coming home. And Luke continues to improve. I'm hoping he can travel with us in the next few days.

That's awesome news!! Does mom know?

Yeah. She knows.

I gotta go dad. I'll call in a bit.

The big, wooden door slowly opened and I paused and smiled. I couldn't understand how she could sleep that way. I pulled the blanket from the chair bed and draped it over her before sitting back and sighing deeply drifting off to sleep.


The sound of my name being whispered made me gasp and jump.

"Shit! Marshall you scared me."

"We have a problem. We need to talk"

Slowly I got up and looked over at Sierra. She hadn't moved an inch since I found her that way last night. I followed Marshall out into the hall

"What's going on?"

"I'm sorry. It's been a rough morning. The Andrews filed an appeal."


"No. They went back to Judge Spice."

"But this is a federal ruling."

"Yes, but this judge wants an emergency hearing. The difference is that you and I are both here. It's going to be harder for them to walk all over us because it's face to face."

"How is this legal"

"It's not really. But they have some kind of statuate that gives them right as a parent some how. I think they're using loop holes in adoption laws"

"But she wasn't adopted. Their daughter kidnapped her and brought her here."

"I know. And that's what we need to make crystal clear. She is your legal and biological daughter. She gave a statement saying she does not want to be with the Andrews. You need to clean up and get presentable for court. Look like a parent not a bum."

I made a face and went inside and gently shook her shoulder. She stirred and yawned quietly looking up at me

"Sierra, stay here with Luke. I have to go to court. I'll be back for you. I promise. I love you."

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