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"Sierra!! Come on you're going to be late!!"

This girl! I swear the older she gets the longer she takes to get ready. I looked at my watch again and sighed impatiently. Noah walked in and I smiled. He'd changed so much in the last two years. He was taller and more mature. He was still a smart ass, still loved to skate with friends, and torture his sister. He stopped hiding his face with his hair. But the big thing was that he was happy. Switching him to Sierra's school was great for him.

"Dad, stop. My God." He groaned

"You look nice. The converse are a nice touch."

He looked down at his dirty, faded converse and shrugged

"They're me. If I have to wear this ridiculous outfit I want to be comfortable."

"Fair enough" I laughed.

"Sierra! Let's go!!"

"One minute dad! God!!" She yelled across the house

Jenn came into the kitchen wearing a nice light green dress. I smiled watching her and pulled her close

"You look" I whispered

She blushed and kissed my lips softly. She adjusted my tie and kissed my cheek pulling away.

"Thank you. You look nice too."

"Where is she?"

"Jon, she's not late. Calm down. We will get to the auditorium on time."

Sierra came in wearing a short blue dress. Of course it would be blue. She spun slowly in a circle and smiled.

"Does it pass?"

"Luke will love it as always."

She grinned and hugged me. I loved how much she'd grown and changed since coming home. She was so grown up, happy, funny and very smart.

It hasn't been easy at all. And after she felt like I hated her, I backed off. I knew that this happy girl was in there somewhere. It took a lot of time and she gave in and finally accepted professional help. It was the best thing for her


The tapping on my shoulder broke my thoughts and I smiled at her.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Just lost in thought."

"Oh? About what?"

"That I'm very proud of you. You've been through so much and look at you. You're all grown up, beautiful and smart and confident. I love you Sierra. I can't believe you're graduating today."

"Daaaad. Stop. You're gonna make me cry and smear my make up. I love you too daddy. Thank you for everything."

She excused herself and went to the bathroom to fix her make up. I half smiled and looked down.

"Jon are you alright?"

"Yeah" I smiled "just a lot on my mind."

JJ walked through the door and Gaby came running in. I scooped her up and hugged her tight and tickled her. She giggled and I put her down.

"No Ashley?"

"No, she's not feeling well today."

"Oh. Did you want us to take Gaby? She really shouldn't be around Ashley and catch a bug."

"No, mom it's fine. She won't catch anything. Where's Sierra?"

Sierra walked through the door and gasped grinning kneeling down and opening her arms for Gaby. Gaby was adorable. Big smile, big green eyes and light brown hair. She was very sweet and a very energetic two year old. Everyone just adored her. But she loved her uncle Noah the most. It made us all laugh. They were the most unlikely duo, and though he wouldn't admit it he loved every second of it.

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