Big Night

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I made one last scan of my room and checked my overnight bag. Crap don't want to forget that. I grabbed my deodorant and put it in my bag. I couldn't wait for tonight. There was a polite knock on my door. I looked up and smiled

"Hi daddy!"

"Hey kiddo. All packed for the trip?"

"Yeah" I sighed "I'm trying to focus on today and all of the amazing things that happened."

"Yeah. I understand. Sierra?"


"I just want you to know that no matter what we're here for you. You've overcome so much. You come so far. Try to not let this destroy you."

"I know. I know I have everyone here and Luke. Are you afraid that last year will be repeated?"

"You mean you and Luke?"

"Yeah. I'm afraid of that. I'm scared about seeing Liam and that guy. I'm scared that Luke is going to leave again and I can't deal with that again."

"I know you are. It's going to be alright. You guys are in a much much better place this time around."

"He asked me to move in with him. I want to and I said I would."

"Well, you are engaged. It makes sense. But I think you need to wait a month or two. See how this trip goes and how you two react to it."

He was right. I knew he was right. I'd been trying to keep these impact statements quiet and in the back of my mind. There was too much emotion and memories from it.

"I know." I half smiled

"I'm not saying don't..."

"No dad, I know. And you're right. I'm just...I don't know"

"Hey! I'm sorry for bringing the mood down. Just have faith everything will be just fine. I can't convince you to stay here tonight?"

"No daddy" I laughed

He sighed in defeat and shook his head. There wasn't anything keeping me from tonight. I zipped up my overnight bag and kissed his cheek. He smiled and walked me out to my car

"Please be safe. At least text me when you get there. You two going to the airport yourselves or you coming here?"

"Ummm I think here. What time?"

"You two need to be here by 7:45am"

"Ok. We'll be there. I love you daddy. Thanks for everything."

He closed my car door and I pulled away from the curb and headed towards Luke's apartment. It felt so amazing to have my own car. I turned on the radio and got lost in the music. My parents had set up the satellite radio and I was enjoying all of the different stations.

I pulled into the parking lot of Luke's apartment complex. I grabbed my bag from the back and took a deep breath. I was nervous for some reason. I'd been here about a dozen or so times. But for some reason I was nervous about staying overnight.

I didn't even get a chance to knock on the door. The big gray door swung open and Luke grabbed me around my waist and spun me around. I laughed as he set me down.

"You're here!" He grinned

"Yes! You didn't even let me knock." I laughed

"I heard you coming."

"Oh? What you got bat ears or something?"

"No, I used the force." He sheepishly grinned

I laughed and shook my head while he closed the door. His apartment wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. It had nice tan carpets and a nice neutral wall color. It offset his dark couch and dark tv stand. I loved the kitchen with dark cabinets and pretty marble countertops.

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