Getting Help

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"Good morning Sierra. How are we doing today?"

The staff here was nice. I've been here a week now with very little contact from my family. In some ways I'm mad at them for telling the doctor that I need more than three days in here. I know I need the help. It was obvious, but I wanted the help on my terms not there's.

The nurse carefully cleaned the wounds and put on new bandages. I wasn't trying to be rude to anyone, but I didn't talk much.

"Your family dropped off a bag with some clothes and toiletries. Someone will bring it in shortly."

"K" I mumbled

"I'll be back in an hour to take you to therapy."


I sat down on the chair in the corner and stared out of the window. I missed softball. I wanted to play again. I looked down on my bandaged wrists and sighed before staring back out of the window. There was a polite knock and I turned to see who was coming in. I was hoping it was my family or Luke, but it was just the nurse.

We walked down the hall and into the room. I looked around cautiously and fidgeted with my fingers waiting. I hated going to the doctor and I hated this even more.

"Hi Sierra. How are you today?"

The doctor came in and sat down acoss from me. She was nice and was doing her best to get me to open up. It's hard to open up to people that you don't know.

"You won't tell?"

"No one. Just me and you. Did you want to talk about what happened?"

"Like what?"

"Ok. How about we start at the beginning. Tell me about your family."

I shrugged and looked down. I didn't know what she wanted me to say.

"Did you grow up here? Do you have brothers and sisters??"

"I have two brothers. One is 19 and one is 13."

"Do you get along with them?"

"I do now. I'm closer to Noah. He's the one that's 13."

"Now?" She asked puzzled.

"Because JJ did some things that made me hate him for a while. Plus Noah is fun and I like his personality. I've only known them a year."

"One year? I'm confused...."

"I was kidnapped when I was three. I was raised by my kidnappers parents. I found out on accident last year and turned myself in to police. They brought me back to my real family."

She sat there listening to everything I was saying. I was shocked that she could even hear me. I was speaking very quiet and cautious.

"What was life like with your other family?"

"It was good. I was happy. Very happy. I had five older brothers, I had a boyfriend, I played softball and I loved my life. Except my hair...I hate my hair."

I smiled and sort of chuckled at the hair comment.

"What made you come forward?"

"I was scared. I didn't know what to think about everything. My boyfriend at the time helped me research into everything and I felt awful. My real family was so hurt and had been looking the whole time. Even when police gave up. Even when they arrested the woman who took me and they found my belongings on her but not me. I knew it was where I belonged."

"What happened when you came home?"

"My mom....I didn't like her. She was rude. I was very scared and unsure. I didn't talk much and I was going by the only name I'd ever known, Mary. She hated that I did that. She would make comments and was extremely overprotective because of what happened to me. My dad tried so hard. It was smothering at first. But he made me feel safe and he let me be me. I love him so much. He's the one person I'm afraid to hurt and disappoint...other than my boyfriend. My younger brother was a pain at first, but he really is fun. I care about him a lot. I get along better with my older brother, JJ. At first he was jealous of my bond with my dad and he hated me. He made my life here hell. I hated him so much...."

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