Chapter 10

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Izzy's POV

I was awaken to vigorous shaking and groggily lifted my head. "Huh?" I murmured. "Yes? Hi, what is it?" It took me a few more minutes to realize that it was Lauren who was standing over me. "Did you sleep at your desk?" Still out of it, I nodded. "Why?"

"I was sitting at my desk and I fell asleep." Even half asleep, I knew that if I told her the actual reason she'd feel bad. "But why were you at your desk?" She pressed. "I mean, you were on your bed when I..." she trailed off and I watched as she connected the dots. "I'm so sorry! You totally could have kicked me off. I just fell asleep and took your bed. Or you could have taken mine. Or heck I wouldn't have minded sharing a bed if you were comfortable. Side note, your bed is really comfortable. But I'm really really sorry."

I had heard about half of what she said, so I half waved and mumbled an "It's fine, don't worry about it" before shuffling to the bathroom. I washed my face but the warm water didn't seem to help. What time was it anyways? I half patted around trying to find my phone or any device that would tell time. In the process I realized I also didn't bring things to change into. Eh, Lauren could use the bathroom and I'd just get ready outside. The curtains were closed so it wasn't like people could peak in.

I poked my head out. "What time is it?" Lauren's head shot up and she scrambled to find her phone. Seriously, why were there no clocks provided? "Uh, 8:56. Why am I awake at this hour?" I chuckled. One thing that everyone knew about Lauren, she would sleep in as late as she possibly could, regardless of when she went to sleep.

"I'm going back to sleep. And you should also, 'cause... I doubt you got a good night of sleep." I shrugged trying to decide what I wanted to do. She was right, and even though I had slept through the night it still felt like I hadn't gotten any sleep. And I did keep waking up, but at least I was able to fall back asleep. Was I able to function for the day? Probably... but what I was going to do, I had no idea. Part two of the auditions weren't til later and Lauren and I had agreed to walk together.

Suddenly my phone pinged. Hey, this is Darren. I think I need some help with the songs. I wasn't sure if who to ask, so think you could come over? That was unexpected. Lauren had already fallen back asleep, in her bed, so I might as well. Sure, where are you?

Darren sent his location so I grabbed my keys and made my way to his dorm room. I knocked and Joey opened the door after a few moments. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Darren asked me to come help him work on a few songs. Nice to see you, I didn't know you and Joey live together." He nodded and motioned for me to step inside. "Darren! Izzy is here!" He called. Their dorm room was more of a suit, which apparently had two other boys that rarely actually stayed there. So they had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a common area to themselves. I was a little bit jealous.

Darren poked his head out. "Hey! Thanks so much for coming. I started a song but I have no idea where to go with it. And Joey was no help." I turned to the crooked jawed boy who shrugged and grinned. "I am an actor. All I can do is act. Talented people like you and Darren can write songs, and sing, and dance."

"I never said I could write songs."

"But you can?"

"Nope." I popped the 'p'. Joey looked surprised. "Then why did Darren ask you over? Can't you do like everything?" I grinned but shook my head. "Nah, I'm flattered, though. And I have no idea." We both turned to Darren who hadn't been listening. He had already started working, writing and then erasing. I looked over at Joey and then made my way over to the piano bench.

He scooted over to give me room and I quickly skimmed what he had written. It was a song titled Granger Danger. "So why do you need me?" He turned. "Can't you write music?" I shook my head. Why does everyone think that? I'm very limited in what I can do. "Oh, well maybe you can help with inspiration. The guys had joked about if Draco was in love with Hermione, since we didn't think Ron was a great fit and stuff."

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