Chapter 19

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Izzy's POV

"I have to call Erik. I told him I'd be late to practice but not that I'd not be there at all." I panicked as I fumbled to unlock my phone. Eventually my home screen appeared and I found Erik's contact. "Erik, I'm actually not going to make it to rehearsal. I'll be at the musical."

"Seriously! But you're not in it, and you promised that we could spend time together. It seems like you don't care about us. Look if you don't actually want us to date that's fine just tell me instead of stringing me along."

"I do!" I protested. "I do, it's just Bonnie can't perform so they've asked me to fill in for her. Erik, I'm playing Hermione." Silence met my announcement, and my excitement died. Lauren noticed my reaction and shot me a concerned look. "That's great Iz. I'm sorry I was just in shock. I'm so proud of you. Are you performing for the rest of the shows? I'll try to get tickets." I let out a sigh of relief, thankful he wasn't mad. "I think so, let me check." I held the phone away. "Si, would I be doing it for the rest of the performances or just tonight?"

Lauren thought a moment, but since she didn't know, she repeated the question to Darren. "I don't see why not. I don't think Bonnie will get better in time to do any more shows, so it'll make sense that you do the rest." I nodded and relayed their answer to Erik. I then promised I'd either get him a ticket or sneak him in somehow. After asking him to let Dom know I wouldn't be at dance practice while the performances went on, we said our goodbyes and I hung up.

I couldn't help but grin as we made our way to the theater. "Someone's excited." Lauren teased. "And you almost turned it down."

"Oh I'm absolutely terrified." I replied. "But I'm also kinda excited. I mean this is my first time acting in a large role." Lauren stopped walking and stared at me. "This is your first role? You have all this talent and you never got lead?" I shook my head. "Remember, parents said I sucked and I thought I sucked. Also not a whole lot of time..." I shrugged and pushed down the feelings of anger. They had praised my brother in everything he did, but when I achieved something they asked how I managed to cheat or trick whoever.

On the other hand, they did say I was the only one who could do it... maybe I was a last resort since they couldn't teach everything to one person in time. Or maybe they were asking out of pity. Maybe I shouldn't do it. I'm going to mess up the whole show. I tried to suppress the thoughts, hoping Lauren wouldn't notice my change in mood. So what if I was a last resort, they still asked me. Except I'm sure there are other people far more qualified. Or maybe they can have someone who was in the chorus play Hermione and I'll just take over for the smaller role. Wouldn't that make more sense?

"Did you want to run some lines?" Joey asked. I nodded grateful for the distraction. "Can I do your makeup?" Lauren squealed. I chuckled and gave a shrug. "I guess. Although if you mean while we practice I'll probably be moving a lot. And please keep it natural." She quickly agreed and the three of us went back to lauren and my dorm.

"So how do you want to do this?" After some discussion, it was agreed that they'd only practice the scenes Hermione was in and in general Lauren would say any girls lines and Joey would say the guys. In scenes where it was just the trio, Lauren would fill in as Darren. Of course they needed their scripts for any part that wasn't their character. I also had the script if I forgot the line but I would try not to use it. Of course they wanted to sing all the songs. Lauren started as Harry. Finally it was my intro:

But let's not forget
That we need to perform well in class
If we want to pass our O.W.L.s

"Oh Hermione why do you have to be such a buzzkill?" Joey recited.

"Because guys," I shot back. "Schools not all about fun and games. We have to study hard if we want to be good witches and wizards." I tried to channel my nervousness for doing well in the show into this line.

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