~Chapter One~

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Felix looked up at the giant double doors in awe. He hadn't smelt the familiar oak wood mixed with a faint scent of herbs over the Christmas holidays, and taking it in for the first time in a while made him feel more at home than the one he shared with his parents. He had made a better family here and he was sure the rest of them were already seated in the great hall waiting for the headmasters speech. A smile graced his lips as he remembered the time in his first year, he hadn't realised it was a traditional thing, and when an old woman started to talk he had continued to shovel food into his mouth. Much to the dismay of the Hufflepuff house representative, who was franticly trying to tell him to stop without attracting attention. When they got back to the room, Felix was scolded and told that if he ever ate food while the head master was speaking again, they would punish him. He still hasn't been caught. In fact, it was that same fateful night that he met Jisung and Jeongin. Apparently, or from what he remembered them telling him, they had also been eating food and were scared they were going to be reprimanded as well. They talked the whole night, and sure enough, the three of them became best friends. 

Later in that week, Jeongin had introduced the two of them to other first years, Chan, Woojin and Seungmin. The three were established as Ravenclaw right off the bat, and they all quickly became close. It was just the six of them for the first week, when Jisung had suddenly attached himself to a moody, pet hoarding slytherin and three more joined the pack. Changbin, Hyunjin and Minho. And thus began their own, wonky family.

This was Felix' fifth year at Hogwarts and he was excited to finally meet his friends again after a long holiday, so, handing his luggage over to the closest teacher he dashed up the steps and through the door, into a big, loud room, filed with students of all years. He spotted Jisung and Jeongin first, they were sitting at the Hufflepuff table, he could tell they were almost yelling at each other just to be heard of the noise. He turned his head to the Slytherin table, and caught the eyes of Hyunjin, they both had a mini charades talk. With Hyunjin franticly pointing to his head and Felix shrugging his shoulders. Changbin and Minho were directly opposite him. Completely oblivious. He turned away from Hyunjin, giving him a small wave to bid him goodbye, only to see Woojin, Chan and Seungmin doing the same thing. 'Okay thats weird, what are they looking at?' he thought suspiciously. Confused, Felix walked over to the Hufflepuff table and sat down next to Jisung.

"Lix! Your here, finally, can you tell Jeongin that for our next game we'll be versing Gryffindor?" Jisung didn't look in his direction and only stopped his argument when he was the only one talking. Following Jeongins eyes, Jisung jumped back.

"Oi, what are you staring at?"

"What do you mean 'what are we staring at', your hair-"

"-Its PINK!"

Jisung slapped Jeongins arm for interrupting him.

"Oh...that, its a long story" Felix fidgeted in his seat. "We have time" Jeongin said.

Sighing Felix explained what happened.

"Last year, my potions teacher, Mr. Gren-"

"We know who Mr. Gren is, we were in the same class, idiot" Jeongin cut him off

"Do you want to hear the story?" Felix asked. They both nodded.

"Okay, anyway, Mr. Gren asked me if I wanted to do some extra credit work for him, of course I said yes" Felix heard a quiet, 'know it all' but chose to ignore it.

"The task was to make a colour changing liquid that changed the colour of anything it touched. Long story short, my little sister happened to be in the room, playing 'princess'", he created quotation marks with his fingers, "and she was throwing pink glitter every where and some got into the potion and when I bent down  to pick up one of her dolls I hit my head on the table and it spilled..." He let the other two go wild with their imagination.

"Is is permanent?"


They both laughed, "You're so clumsy oh my god"

"Hey, watch it, do you want me to bring up the time both of you embarrassed our house while playing Quidditch?" Both of them shut up after that. Leaving Felix with a smug smile on his face.

Across the great hall, Hyunjin informed the two in front of him what he had seen.

"I'm telling you guys, he had light pink hair!"

"Yeah, and I'm taller than you" Changbin said sarcastically

"We both know thats not going to ever happen" 

"Shut up Minho, I was proving a point"

"GuYS, I'm not joking, he's literally right over there with Jisung and Jeongin."

Minho looked around the room and his eyes landed on Jisung. He smiled but it soon faded when he saw a boy with pink hair sitting next to him.

"Hyunjin, thats not Felix you idiot, he has brown hair."

"Thats why I'm confused as well-

"Look next time we see Felix, we will know if its him or not"

Hyunjin tsked and turned away with a pout,

"Great now he's in a bad mood Bin"

"Hey, I told you to stop calling me that...pet hoarder"

Changbin crossed his arms with and smirked but before Minho could get in the last word, the Head master started to talk, and everyone quietened down.

"Now, now, I hope everyone is having a wonderful lunch, but I have to interrupt with the regular news. Like always, welcome back to Hogwarts," she waited for everyone to finish clapping, "I hope everyone had a splendid Christmas. I would like to welcome our new Potions master, Mrs. Dyrin, she will be taking over potions class as our wonderful Mr. Gren has...some unexpected home issues. Please give her a warm welcome."

Again everyone clapped.

"A word of warning, there will be a tighter curfew, hopefully only in the first term, but after class is finished, everyone has two hours of study, or recreation before you must all gather in your respective house rooms. After this time, no one is allowed anywhere within the school grounds except in your beds." She smiled. "That is all, you will find your timetable and luggage in your quarters, I hope you have a lovely lunch."



Mrs. [Die]rin - Mrs. Dyrin

I'll be doing this for words that might not sound as they look.

Thanks for reading,


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