~Chapter Three~

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Jisung awoke in a cold sweat. His vision was blurred and he felt dizzy, it was like the room was spinning. Next, to him, Felix' pink head could be seen poking out of the covers and next to him Jisung saw an empty bed. Jeongin was gone.

"W-what?" He whispered, as to not wake up the others. He knew Jeongin would never leave his bed at any time other than in the morning. This sparked a flame of dread in the boy's stomach and he gathered all his might to pull off the warm covers and slip out of the sheets.

The room seemed to sway even more now that he was standing up and more than a few times he nearly fell. Carefully he opened the door of the room and tiptoed out. Nearly getting his stripy pyjama top caught on the doorknob.

He dipped down the stairs, careful to skip the ones that creaked slowly making his way into the main room where the fire was lit and a blank-faced Jeongin sat on the red velvet couch.

"Innie, why are you up?" Jisung slurred. He looked to the clock on the wall. "It's 3:00 am"

There was no response from Jeongin as he continued to sit by the fire. It popped a few times, embers floating up into the chimney.

"Jisungie~" he whispered.
"There's something in the-"

The younger seemed to snap out of his trance when he heard a thud behind him. Whipping around Jeongin saw Jisung sprawled on the floor, snoring. Confused Jeongin stood up and shook Jisung awake.


"Oi! Why are we here?"

Within a couple of mintues, Jisung had woken back up and was just as confused as Jeongin.

"What are you talking about? I woke up and you weren't in your bed so I went to look for you." Jisung explained. "When I found you, you were just sitting there-" he gestured to the couch"-and wouldn't answer me"

"But- I woke up and I was here. I don't remember you talking to me?"

Jisung sighed, not wanting to deal with this in the wee hours of the morning.

"Let's just go back to bed, I'm sleepy and you're being wierd," he said, already missing the comfort of his pillows.

With a pout, Jeongin helped Jisung up and both of them climbed the stairs. Careful to skip the ones that creaked.


While walking to the great hall for breakfast, Jisung told his friends what had happened earlier that morning. Skipping out on his weird dream. Each of them giving suggestions as to why they were there, none of them asking what the younger was about to say. Minho, in particular, seemed a little worried about this. And showed his concern when asking what would happen if they sleepwalked right out of their house common room. Which was against the new school rules. Jisung blushed.

"That won't happen Minnie (Hyung), I'm sure Felix will stop us. Right?" Jisung turned to Felix, the pink head rolling his eyes and softly agreeing.

"Yeah, whatever."

"See, we'll be fine. I don't know what you're worried about." Jisung smiled and ruffled the older's hair.

"Besides, I'm more excited about breakfast and food, I can already smell the pancakes" Jisung moaned. Next, to him, Jeongin lit up. His eyes sparkling in anticipation.

"Pancakes?" Was all he said, before sprinting in the direction of the hall. Chan and Woojin shaking their heads at his excitement.

"Don't run too fast," Woojin yelled. They could always count on him to look after each of them. While Chan worked them into shape. It was almost as if they were their parents.

"Don't worry Woojin (Hyung) if he breaks a leg I'm sure he will learn his lesson"

"Don't say that Seungmin!" Hyunjin gasped. His worry grew when they heard a small shout from down the hall followed by an 'I'm okay!' and more hurried feet.

Jisung laughed clutching his side as he attempted to regain his composure. Along with him, a few giggles were heard from Felix and Seungmin.

"Oi, he could have really hurt himself" Hyunjin fussed.

"I'm sure he's fine Jinnie," Chan reassured. Although he himself was worried, the circumstances made him laugh.

"Didn't you hear him though? He said he's ok" Chan said. Behind him, Seungmin lifted up an 'okay' sign with his fingers with a bright smile on his face.

The eight of them continued down the hall and arrived at the great hall. The smell of bacon mixed with sweet syrup, filled their noses making their mouths water. Without a goodbye, they rushed off to their respective table to fill their plates with endless amounts of food.

Jisung and Felix found Jeongin already gorging himself on pancakes making them chuckle at his eagerness for food.

"Little fox, don't eat so quickly" Jisung warned. Using one of the youngers many nicknames. Although he didn't show it he was a bit shaken up by last night and was just making sure Jeongin wouldn't hurt himself. Or others.


The morning ended quickly. The nine of them carelessly hanging out with each other. Being free before their year really started. If only they knew...


Something In The Forbidden ForestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora