~Chapter Two~

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When lunch was over, it was safe to say that everyone had gotten their say on Felix' new hair colour.

"You look like cotton candy"

"I think your nickname as Felix Felicis should be revoked"

"Your luck ran out man"

"Hey, Stephanie from Lazytown called, she wants her hair back"

The only compliment he got was from Woojin, but even that couldn't calm down his rosy cheeks. Of course, he knew the comments from his friends weren't going to be the only ones. But that didn't mean they hurt any less. Because with his friends, he could tell what was a joke and what wasn't. They never stepped over the line for him or each other. They understood when something was becoming a touchy subject. School students who didn't know them did not. So when the name-calling started Felix wanted the world to swallow him. His embarrassment grew when Changbin would send people vile looks if he was teased. It was only the first day. Not even the first day, it was only the first afternoon. Classes didn't start till the day after tomorrow. And he already wanted out.

When Jisung, Jeongin and Felix had gotten back to their common room the name-calling stopped and he was able to relax a little. Everyone had finished unpacking and Felix could hear the pleasant shouts of excitement in the common room from his own, along with the scolding they were getting for being too rowdy. At that moment he was content.

But not for long.

Jisung sprang from the door and into the room with Jeongin hot on his tail. He looked furious with his eyebrows scrunched and lips curled back. And Felix had to fight the urge to laugh. Although the quiet was ruined it was comforting for him to know that nothing had changed over the holidays.



"But Felix~ You guys always swear around me" Jeongin whined with a pout on his face. His mood changing instantly.

"You are but a foetus to us, and the foetus' should not swear"

"Leave him alone Jisung, we're not allowed to swear either. If Chan (Hyung) caught us out heads would be on spikes"

"But Channie boy isn't here is he? And besides, I'm older than you so I have privileges" Jisung said with a smug smile.

"You're literally a day older than me"

"Shut up"

Felix smiled. Everything was the way it should be.


Dinner rolled around and the halls were deserted. All except one.

"Changbin, we've been going to this school for five years"

"I know, I know, jeez, I just got us a little lost" Changbin defended. They were supposed to have been at the great hall by now, but while on the moving staircases he had taken a wrong turn and Hyunjin, Minho and himself had gotten lost.

"Look short stuff, I'm not going to be late for dinner so you either follow me or stay here," Minho said, already walking down the corridor. Hyunjin right on his tail.

"Sorry Bin, but I'm hungry" Hyunjin stated.

Sighing, Changbin followed after them, jogging a little so he could catch up. It wasn't helping that he had short legs.

Minho, on the other hand, was determined to see Jisung. And have food. Food was his priority. But he hadn't seen Jisung since this morning and they had barely talked. They had been secretly meeting during the holidays and he had finally acted on his feelings by taking him out and sharing a small kiss...okay it wasn't small and they had made out, but neither of them knew what they were. And Minho was desperate to find out.

When the three finally made it to the great hall, almost all the food was gone and everyone had left. Fortunately, they hadn't missed any important announcements but all their friends had left to go to their dorms. Jabbing Changbin for making them late the three Slytherins ate the leftovers. They were cold and soggy but some of the chicken was still warm and the seasoning was amazing. If only they had come earlier.


He was falling. Endlessly. In a cold black void where no one could hear or see him. His mouth was open, but no sound was coming out. It seemed like he had been there forever. His heartbeat pounded in his ear getting louder and louder. The sound was almost deafening. He continued to silently scream, eyes shut in fear and his arms and legs reaching out to grab something. Anything.

And then, it stopped. The falling, the heartbeat. It was quiet and he could feel the soft ground beneath his feet. Slowly he cracked his eyes open. He was in a forest. It was foggy and the trees seemed to stretch on forever upwards. His feet started to move on his own. As if he wasn't in control of his own body. The trees began to pass him at an alarming rate as he sped through the forest. Twigs snapped under his large feet and his breath was coming out in loud puffs. He finally made it to a clearing where he could see a boy. His age. Sitting in the grass. He had brown hair and a stripy top. It looked like his pyjamas. He slowly turned around, a look of dread and confusion etched on his face. And suddenly, he realises it's him. He is sitting there. But...he is also at the edge of the forest- the scene changes again and he finds himself by a river. Police sirens and a crying mother. Something was terribly wrong. His heartbeat quickened and he felt the sweat on his brow. They were pulling a body from the water...

It was his.

Oh sheet. Somethings going onnnnn. Also a thousand sorries, i have been away and completly forgot about a lot of things. I have finally updated and I know i promise that i try to update regularly but i never do lmao. I hope u enjoyed, who do u think was having that dream 👀👀 again sorry abt that. Also, im not sure if I should put hyung in there as an honorific (or whatever) idk. Tell me what u think.


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