~Chapter Four~

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To say Jisung was not excited was an understatement. He already felt behind and the first class of the day hadn't even started yet. The stress of school and the recurring nightmares had him on edge and he seemed to jump at anything. Multiple times he had dismissed his friends worry with a lack of sleep, but it was obvious there was something deeper. Minho especially pestered him and suggested a couple of times that he sneak into Hufflepuffs bedroom and sleep with him. Jisung had thought about. Blushed. And then denied the offer. Even if it was tempting, he couldn't do that to Minho. What if he got caught? Jisung didn't want that.

So he pushed through and went to his next class, which unfortunately was potions class. It wasn't that he was bad at brewing, but this was the class that Hyunjin and Seungmin were always so gay in. He had to sit away from them or their flirting would cause him to gag. 

When Jisung arrived, he made a b line straight to his seat near the back. The class was loud, as always and he could see Hyunjin and Seungmin sitting in the middle table, already engaging in conversation. He just hoped Felix would come sooner rather than later.

However, as it turns out, Felix came in with the teacher, whom he already forgot her name. When Felix finally made it over Jisung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Felicis, oh my god, it's about time," Jisung whined.

"You can't be away from me for less than 10 minutes can you?" He replied, a smile on his face.

"Shut up,"

Not a second later, the teacher had begun the class and everyone quietened down.

"Alright, hello everyone, I'm Ms Dyrin, your new potions master. I hope you will all treat me well," She paused, "Today we are going to be brewing Draught of Peace."

A round of groans and small noises of displeasure were heard from the class, although, Jisung noticed, Ms Dyrin seemed to be completely ignoring them. That or she was too dense to notice. Out of the many students, Jisung, and Felix had both taken a liking to potions, himself in particular. He loved racing Felix to see who could brew something faster. Their record was one minute and forty-six seconds.

"The Draught of Peace is something that I am sure many of you will be using this year, hence why I am teaching it to you at the very beginning. However, before we get into any practical work, I want you to take out your notebooks and write down this information about what we will be doing today."

Jisung swiftly opened his book and took out his pen,

"Ji, can I borrow a pen?"

Felix held out his hand expecting a pen to be given but instead found himself using a quill and ink. Jisung snickered to himself.

"Next time, come prepared,"

Felix rolled his eyes and they both went back to focusing on what Ms Dyrin was saying.

"As I said before, this potion will come in handy to many of you during O.W.Ls this year, as it will relieve any anxiety and agitation. Of course, this is not a go-to, and you must seek me if anything is bothering you, only then will I allow you to brew this. I am a busy woman, however, so don't expect anything from me." The teacher turned around and walked over to her desk and pulled out white chalk.

"I will write the ingredients on the board, get into partners, and collect what you need, everything should be in this room if you can't find anything, ask me."

Jisung looked to Felix suggestively, raising his eyebrows and winking.

"Don't wink at me again, that was disturbing, and I only ever want Changbi-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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