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" Why do you keep looking at me since like just now ? "

" Er.. I- um- I just- "

" Cute weirdo " and he looked away.

Wait did he just called me cute weirdo ? Yeet !!!!!! He make my day.
* Internally screaming *
Don't show the happiness to much Eunyoung or else he'll found out. Inhale exhale inhale exhale okay.

* 10 minutes later *

" Hey Eunyoung wanna go for a walk ? "

" With who ? "

" Just the both of us, I was just bored so I decided to take you for a walk and is it okay ? "

" Yeah sure "

Both of us stood up and separate ways to change our clothes. We walked out from our room and went in his car. It's very awkward and very quiet. I tried to talk but I just don't know what to say. I have no freaking idea what to talk about. Calm down y/n maybe he'll start a conversation.

It has been five minutes and he haven't talk to me yet. I guess I should start a conversation. But what ?

Jungkook POV

I kinda noticed that Eunyoung was thinking about something because she keeps looking around the car like a crazy kid who has something to say.

" Do you have any problem ? " I asked her and she stopped looking around

" Hmm ? Oh no, I'm fine. Why ? "

" Because you keep looking around the car like you have something to say. "

" Oh.. I'm totally fine "

I nodded and continue driving . At first I thought Eunyoung was like what people talk about her. People said she was a weirdo, psycho, suicidal bitch, a lonely ass woman, a person who can't speak, a person who easily trust shits and many bad things.

I do think it's true because she has been lonely, barely talks, looks kinda fucked up and etc. I don't wanna spill it to her because she's my roommate and I don't want to make her feel useful. Woah I didn't even realize that we had arrived while I was thinking bout this shit.

We walked out from the car and went to the bench right in front of the river view. Here comes the awkward silence again. If only we we're close maybe we have been talking many kinds of shit already. Well but we're not friends at all.

" Umm.. Jungkook "

Finally she talks

" Yeah ? "

" Why did you want to take for a walk with me ? "

" Like I said, I was kinda bored and decided to take you for a walk as well because you look messed up "

" Oh.. "

" Why ? Are you thinking about something else ? "

" Wha- no ! "

" Jeez calm down "

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