The Date

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Lauren's POV

It's been a week since I asked Camila out on date and I'm so excited.My heart is just pounding and I'm so nervous. I look at the time and noticed it's 2:00pm I gotta get ready. I look into the mirror as I fix my hair and tell myself "I got this". I drive over to Camila's house and realized "Shit I forgot to buy Taco Bell". I get out of the car and ring the doorbell. She answers and as I look at her I just get more nervous. I think to my head "Holy Shit she looks so beautiful". "Hi" I say, she says hello back. "Are you ready, oh and here is that sock you left at my house". She laughs and throws the sock in the house "ok let's go" I say. We start to drive to the bowling alley and I ask how her day is even if I seen her three hours ago at school. "It's been alright I've just been chilling". That's cool I say. I start to play some tunes and we start to bop to it. We arrive and I tell her " ok so I was thinking we can bowl first then play a few games at the arcade then go eat then go play some more is that alright?" "Yea that's fine". We go pay for our bowling shoes and the two games then we head over to our lane. "I'm so gonna beat you"  J say. "No you won't cause I'm gonna win".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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