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You've only been doing this
for 11 months and you've
already released a lot, do you
feel any pressure to keep
doing that?

At the start i felt a lot
of pressure, as if I had to keep
releasing music to kind of stay
on top and to stop myself
falling off straight away but
i've recently realised i don't need
to do that, it's clear to me now that
it's ok to not constantly release
music and it's better to work on
creating some good stuff rather
than doing it half-assed and just
releasing it straight away.

What's the process like
writing music and

Well i'm always writing parts
on songs, whether it be
a line or a verse. Whenever
something comes to my head
i write it on my notes and record
it on voice memos, its a great way
of remembering a beat or lyrics.
When i feel like I have a good idea
for a song or like a foundation
of a song i meet with my writers
and together we write a song
and a few weeks later i
go and record it.

Is there any songs that
you've recorded and not

Yes, there's quite a few
actually, I was planning
to put them on my EP
that came out a few months ago
but i decided that they weren't
good enough and i wasn't that
proud of them so i decided to
not release them. But who knows
maybe one day i'll create a
playlist or like an ep type of
thing with all my unreleased
songs, i've always though that
was a good idea

You've been doing music
for nearly a year now
have you got anything

Yes, i have an exciting
announcement coming out
as soon as i get back to LA;
and also capital has
put my on the artist list this year
so i will be playing at Wembley
for the capital summer time
ball and i'm very excited
for that it's such an honour

So let's talk about your new
single, whats inspired you
to write Don't Call Me Up

I actually started writing parts of it
before i was in this whole music thing,
I was in a relationship which was toxic and
my way of escaping the truth about
that relationship was writing songs,
so i wrote the chorus in that
relationship and two months ago
i met with writers in London and
we completed the song with the
other verses and i'm really proud
with the success.

What's the success of
the single like?

It's amazing, i'm so proud of
the success of the song as i
really believe that it's by
far my best song that
i've produced. I never
expected it to reach to
the UK i can't believe it's
been number 1 since it came out
i'm forever thankful

Do you feel like you've
told a story through your
Definitely. At the start I was
writing songs about how i
wanted someone to call me
and how i was desperate for
someone to give me attention
but since this single it's like i'm
now saying i'm not going to
answer to you, i no longer want
you, i feel likes it's a

Now finally, let's talk
about your love life, so
you and Zion are together again
and if so how did it happen?

Yes we're back together, we're
taking it slow because last
time obviously it
resulted in us breaking up,
but this time i think we're in
a better place and this
time we have time for each other,
but obviously we wanna keep our
privacy so we won't be sharing
every detail of our relationship

filler again oof

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