Tutor [2]

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Deuces schedule changed.
He is now in most of my classes. He is a little distracting. I sit next to him in science,  and he never shuts up. Just constantly talking.
My grade slipped, I was distracted most of the time. Didn't know what was going on.
Now I had to get a tutor. Somone had to volunteer or be forced to do it. I know one thing, no one would volunteer to tutor me. No one likes me.

It was Friday. Still no volunteer. It was a few minutes after school and I was walking to my science room to talk to my teacher, Mrs. Anderson, I needed to talk to her about the tutor, she'd make someone do it or something. Her door was open too, I walked towards it, but stopped when I hear a familiar voice.
"Just let me tutor him! I have a good grade!"
It was Deuce. I quietly listened to the conversation.
"You're already tutoring Jorel, Aron"

"I can tutor jorel during lunch or after school and Daniel in the morning. Hes always at school early"

I listened to him beg the teacher for a good 10 minutes, she eventually gave in.
"Fine, tutoring will start monday. I'll let Danny know"
I quickly ran to the nearest bathroom before Deuce could leave her room. I stayed there for a solid five minutes before I left and walked to the room, I had to pretend like I didn't over hear her talk with Aron. I walked into the room
"Mrs. Anderson?"
She looked up at me, "oh, Daniel. What is it?"
"I came to see about my tutor. Anything yet?"

"Well. Aron will be tutoring you. Monday morning.  You get to school early, right?"

"As early as possible"

We talked for a while longer then I went home.
I couldn't stop thinking about monday. Me and Deuce were okay with each other, it was kinda shocking to some kids that he was able to tutor jorel,  now he was tutoring the both of us at the same time. I just pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind, and went on with my day.

I woke up early on Monday. Got myself dressed, made sure I had everything for school and left.
I was worried at first about not being able to find Aron when I got to school, but he was outside the school, playing with a bright red bouncy ball. He was talking to some girl, he didn't really look interested in the conversation. When he seen me, he put the ball away, told the girl he had things to do, she didn't look happy.
"Its probably not that important"
Deuce grit his teeth, i could tell he hated this girl. So he just told me to follow him, I did. We went into the library, and found a place to sit.
of coruse we messed around, but we did get a lot of work done. The moment Deuce stepped out of the library that same girl came running up to him and hugged him. Deuce pushed her away slightly, the bell had rung and we had only about 2 minutes left to make it to class. So when she let go for a moment,  we both ran.

The rest of the day went well. Deuce wasn't at his usual table as he was probably in the library with Jorel, but his friends still invited me to the table. A lot of dirty jokes were told, stupid stories, and just complaints about homework and teachers.
Then the laughter stopped when that girl came over.
"Wheres Aron?" She asked
"Not here" George, one of Deuces good friends responded
She kept asking if we knew where he was exactly.  We all lied
"He has a detention in Mr. Fongs room"
"He went home early"
"Hes asleep in the bathroom"
And a lot more bullshit we said. She left after a minute of hearing us.
"God, shes annoying" Matthew said when she left.
"Yeah, and did you hear her voice?" Jordon pipped in, "wheres Arrrrooon" he mimicked her white girl starbucks lover voice.
We all just laughed. 

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