Sleepover [3]

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Friday night.
My mom dropped me off at Arons place. George answered the door and told me Deuce was taking a shit. I chuckled and set my stuff down on the couch. Me, George, Jordon, and Matthew talked while we waited for Aron to hurry up. I was focused on his husky,  which was outside in the dark, but i could see the white fur through the glass door.
George called up to Aron who was doing something else now, I guess.
"Yo can we let Akria out?"
"Yeah go ahead!" He shouted back at them.
George opened the door and undid the chain on her collar,  she ran inside and went straight to me. I let her sniff my hand and she seemed to like me.
When Deuce finally came back downstairs,  he was holding four xbox controllers and some cords.
"George go get the xbox"
George went upstairs to grab the xbox itself. I noticed he had a ps4. Why two consoles? I noticed he had only one game for the ps4. I picked it up.
Detroit: become human.
A ps just for one game. I could understand that.

We played games for a few hours, Arons mom made dinner and made cookies and brownies after. She also let us know about anything in fridge we could eat if we got hungry again.
It was 2AM, my dad would have killed me for staying up this late.
Deuce made a bunch of popcorn for everyone and put on a scary movie. Everyone made fun of it at first. But then..shit got real.
An unexpected jumpscare popped up and I started choking on some popcorn. Everyone looked at me, I kept coughing and trying to get it out of my throat, I eventually coughed it up, but I felt sick. I gave the rest of my popcorn to Jordon and laid down on the couch, covering myself with the blankets. I fell asleep despite the loud tv.

I woke up somewhat early. Jordon was awake, eating a pb&j. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Akria was curled up ontop of Deuce, who was sleeping on a different couch, I couldn't tell if he was awake or not.
I quietly waited for everyone else to wake up. First Matt, then George. George recored Deuce sleep talking
"No, I want m&ms.... because its my favorite candy bar...m&ms is a candy bar.."
Soon they told me I should wake him.
"Pour water on him or something" Matt suggested.
"Someone find me a air horn" I said. Everyone started to look for one and eventually, Matt found one in Arons room.
He threw it to me. I walked over to Deuce, for some reason he was rambling about how he didn't care if the person thougt m&ms weren't a candy bar or not. I held the air horn and...
Deuce immediately jumped up and flung himself off the couch, Akria just jumped off.

"Jesus christ!" He screamed. Everyone was laughing their ass off. It was honestly the best thing ever. He snatched the air horn away from me and walke away cursing.  But he did laugh with us about it.
We did whatever we could to to entertain us. Deuce ran up to his room to get something. He came down with Uno.
We all agreed to play.
Deuce gav us th He seven cards.

"Have. Fun. George" I said as I placed three 2+ cards, he was so close to an uno and I couldn't let it happen. 
When the others had finished,  it was me and deuce now.
The game went on for what felt like forever. 
I smiled as I looked at my cards.
Two wild cards, three 4+ cards and a few blue and green cards.
I destroyed him.

We said our goodbyes and left after a few more hours. We all agreed we had to do that again sometime. I couldn't wait until that time came.

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