lies [4]

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My grades were good again. I couldn't thank Deuce enough for helping me in the past two weeks.
And the girl that kept following him around started being better. She didn't act obsessed anymore and deuce accepted her as a friend now.

I was putting my things away in my locker when the girl came up to me, her name was Anna. "Guess what!" She said excitedly,


"Me and aron are dating!"

I felt the words crush me. I tried to tell myself that it couldn't be true, a few weeks ago he hated Anna, but..they were friends now. Its possible that they could be dating.
"Really?" I asked, I kept putting things away to avoid looking at her.

"Yeah! He asked me out just 5 minutes ago!"

She sounded so excited, like anyone would be when their crush asked them out. I decided I'd talk to him about later. Tomorrow morning. 

The last few classes flew by. I was kinda quiet. I had come to love Aron over the past few weeks. It was always horrible to hear your crush is dating someone else. My heart felt so broken, even though I knew Deuce was straight and I'd probably ruin our friendship If I said anything about my true feelings towards him.

I barely slept, my head clouded with dark thoughts. It didn't help that my mom and dad were screaming downstairs, it got worse as my mom screamed for him to let her go. I was ready for him to brust into my room and beat me, but that didn't happen. I fell asleep after it all stopped.

I seen Deuce playing with the rubber ball again, everyone made jokes about it, how much he loved balls. I walked up to him and before he said anything I blurted out,
"Are you and Anna dating?"
Deuce looked at me in confusion,
"Where'd you hear that?" He asked.
"Anna told me"

He shook his head "I'd rather date you than her. Shes the worst"
Anna was always making things up, I should have known that it wasn't true. I just smiled and we talked for a while. Deuce seemed uneasy though. I didn't know what was going on inside his head but he avoided eye contact.

Deuce seemed to avoid me all day. I was a little hurt, and I was very confused. I told one of my friends, Dylan, what happened and what he said in response, I didn't believe it.
"Maybe he likes you. And he thinks you think hes weird or something for saying that"
I shook my head "no way.  I don't believe it"
Dylan shrugged "I ship it"

That was the day I found out a lot of people liked the idea of me and Deuce together.
"Its sooooo cute!"

"We can feel that shit in our souls. We know its happening"

"I honestly think you two are perfect for each other"

"Opposites attract"

The last one made a little sense. I mean..I was a lonley piece of shit that was forced to do kids homework or they'd threaten me. Deuce was popular and very respected by everyone, even teachers. Most of my teachers hated me! Except mrs. Anderson.

Me and Deuce had very different tastes in music.
I liked romance moives, he liked horror.
I liked board games, he was more into video games.
we had our differences. But I don't think theres that many.

I still tried to figure out why Deuce was avoiding me, but he wouldn't anwser. I guess it won't be too much to worry about.

A/N: Sorry if this is short and boring. I was super tired while writing it so I kinda gave up :')

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