Chapter 5- Lily

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**********2 months later*************

I can't believe how fast the first few months of school have gone. I've even made my own group of friends. I don't really know how it happened to be honest, I bumped into a particularly pretty girl in the corridor, she just stared at me for a second before her mouth parted into a big grin.

'Your lily, right?' She said cheerfully, something quite unusual for this school.

'Yep, that's me.' I replied. In just 2 months at this hell hole school, I was becoming more confident, I even looked her in the eye and gave a small smile.

'Great, wanna come sit with me and my girls?' She asked.

I almost chocked. What fresh hell!? This must be some sick joke. Although she did look quite honest and I really do miss having friends to sit with, talk to and.....

'Err, yeah if you want me there, okay.' I replied tentatively.

'Of course I want you there!'

She grabbed me wrist and took me to a group of about 7, very pretty girls. All had dyed hair and some had lip rings and nose piercings, but they were all laughing and looked friendly enough.

'Girls, this is Lily Bailey, she's one of us now.'

They all accepted me immediately and I soon grew to love them.

It's like I was some social virgin. Living my life blissfully unaware of Instagram, party's, tumblr, slutty clothes, piercings, tattoos and basically everything a teenager at this school does.

I was finally living my life.

I loved it, they took me shopping to a large department store, we brought slut clothes, makeup and hideously, one Wrong step-lose your neck, high wedges.

I wore leather jackets, high tops with gold studs, high ponytails, skinny jeans and makeup.

I was defiantly no bore anymore, I've now been drunk, three times, drove a car illegally, I go to party's every Friday and Saturday and most importantly the girls had made me a reputation.

Boys wanted me, they chased me, sometimes I let them in but most of the time I just carried on grinding and messing with my girls.

I wasn't a whore, no defiantly not, but I had changed, I wanted to dye my hair, pierce my lip and let myself go a bit.

It was the 14th of November, 15 days to my birthday when I asked my aunt if I could pierce my lip.

I didn't want to be one of the normal girls of the school. I had chosen this punk rocker look to the perfect girls.

It was a task to get my aunt to agree. But she said yes eventually, even though by then I could've pierced my lip with a sewing needle for gods sake.

Agreed, I wasn't that popular but then again I'm very happy with my life.

On my birthday, I dressed in my favourite black skinny jeans, white tank top, red and black plaid shirt tied round my waist and black high top boots.

I was getting my lip done. I closed my eyes and gripped to my two friends, Izzy and Mia's hand as the lady started.

I had a snake bite done and I had to admit it looked great.

My aunt had given me some presents, mostly my favourite American brand, bath and body works, new look clothes and money but I was delighted.

The girls came round later that day. I was given a pair of studded white converse, Maybeline makeup, this shirt which said 'can you not' and a crop top with a unicorn on, money, perfume and probably my favourite present, a stunning pair of black wedge heels, they had a normal heel but the top part was made of thick black lace, they were truly georgous.

My social media blew up, although the only thing that bothered me was on a picture I put up of me and the girls on my birthday, someone called Harry had commented about having a great day. Ah well, he was probably some guy from another form.....

Authors note- I've been updating loads recently, just cause I can 😏 anywayyyyy hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment and like! 💖✊

~Lucy 🌝

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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