The Ghosts of 1973: Invisible Wounds

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Two days after the end of Operation Protective Edge as a great  number of Israeli soldiers face a future laden with guilt and full of fears, and on the same day that a new book about the 1973 war (The Revenge Of The Triumph) is released, I feel that this is an opportunity to revisit  some of  consequences of the Yom Kippur  war.

At a family event I heard that my second cousin died recently. We were not in touch, he was quite a few years older than me. I remember the time when my parents took me to visit his family in the kibbutz. I was still a child, and he was already a good looking young man with a kind smile.

Like many other Kibbutizniks (people from a kibbutz) back then, he was, what we called, "the salt of the earth." So naturally when he enlisted in the Israeli army, he gave his best to his country by becoming an officer.

Please keep reading in The Times Of Israel

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