Chapter 4

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*Skylar's POV*

Peter came back shortly after with the giant green man, and the woman in tow. I straightened my back, standing back up completely fine, and put on a hardened look. Impressions are key.

"I am Bruce Banner, this is Wanda Maximoff, we saw you fall out of the sky and we found you in the forest." Mr. Banner introduced. He looked serious and hardened, though holding a look in his eyes similar to Peter's. As if he just lost a close relative.

The woman, Wanda, held a similar sadness in her eyes. Thought more like she has come to terms with the loss. She stood confidently, as if nothing could break her. Though I knew all to well that was just a fasoad.

"Thank you for saving me," I start "I am in debt to you." I put a fist to my heart and bow my head. A sign of respect.

"Just doing our job Miss." Mr.Banner nodded respectfully. Miss.Maximoff stepped forward.

"If you don't mind, could you tell us your name?" She asked in her thick accent. Peter let out a deep breath, knowing what comes next.

"I am Skylar of the lost realm. Goddess of power, daughter of the queen mother, heir to the throne." I recited proudly.

"Guess we've got ourselves another God on our team"


Hey guys! Sorry it's a short chapter, I just couldn't think of anything else that I could write. Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Till next time
Read on Warriors!

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