The End

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Gwen's POV

When we got done with the movies the Police scanner went off "we caught sighting of 7 people causing havoc within the city, there is too much info to give but that's all", we changed in our suits and headed off. "You go one way I go the other" Peter said, "got it" I said, then I saw 4 of them Rhino, Electro, Goblin, and Vulture "hey it's the girly spider" Rhino in his British accent (I think) "hey I'm gonna count to 3 if you don't scram I will break bones and not mine" I said. "oh lets fight" Goblin said, so we threw punches and kicks I knocked Rhino off his feet "you gonna pay for that spider" Rhino said, Vulture lifted me high in the air and let go of me and I spun a web and swung back and kicked Vulture in the face. He went falling, he then finally lifted back in the air and came after me I webbed his engines that made him fly  "HEY-AHHHHHHHH" with that he fell and fell unconscious I webbed him in his spot and after a while I webbed everyone else. Then the cops came and took them away to prison, when I swung to where Peter was I saw him on the floor not getting up.

Peter's POV

In my mind I was filled with memories of Me, my Mom, my Dad, my Aunt, and my Uncle, the thought of my Uncle made me sad, but something he said before he died in the hospital bed was with great power comes great responsibility  then that was enough for me to get up and fight. "C'mon FIGHT ME!!" I yelled, Then the fight was on I was fighting Dock Ock, Sandman, and Lizard. Then In the End I finally webbed them to the floor and, when me and Gwen got together we were resting on the Empire State building "Peter can I ask you something?" Gwen said, "sure anything" I said. She scooted closer and said in my ear, "wanna make out" Gwen said with a naughty grin, I swallowed the lump in my throat, "u-um G-g-wen I-I uh.....uh" I started saying until the pager went off "we have a fire in the north side of the city a massive structure fire". Gwen sighed a sad one, I looked at her "hey I would gladly when the fire is out and we save the day" I said with a smile, "ok Spider-MAN" Gwen said with a nuaghty smile when she said 'man'.

Imagine Gwen swinging with Peter, and don't watch the final part with MJ ok. You guys are the best BYEEEEEEEEE :).

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