#O.4 | creep.

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• ▌│█║▌║▌║[ ღ ]║▌║▌║█│▌•

Chapter IV

After school, you, Taehyung, and Hoseok, went to the park. Seeing food trucks there, Taehyung ran and bought food for himself.

"Selfish bitch." You mumbled, making Hoseok chuckle.

"He may be a selfish bitch, but he's my selfish bitch." Hoseok said in a loving tone, making you cringe. "Don't give me that face Y/N, your just jealous." Hoseok playfully rolled his eyes before he went to Taehyung.

Watching them from a distance, you saw the couple already lovey dovey. They were being sweet. Too sweet. Every people that went pass them cringe or whisper something to themselves.

Even though they were a gay couple, you accepted them like they were a normal couple. But you couldn't stand them being sweet to each other, making you out of place.

When Taehyung, you and Hoseok, came across food or something Taehyung likes, he usually comes after it and leaves you behind. While Hoseok goes to Taehyung and also leaves you behind. Making you out of place again.

It was getting late, and you obviously don't want your brother to worry, you went home without saying a single word to the couple.


Walking down the pavement, your shoes tap lightly with each step. The stars glisten at the night sky. The night sky showing all of the beauty it can give. There was no one walking on the street. Just you, under the street light.

You came across a bunch of men on the side of the road, doing nothing but look at women. Cat call them, whistle, they'll do anything for a girl to notice them.

And that's what happened to you. They were calling you ‘Sexy and Ms. Pretty’. You rolled your eyes and walk past them. You halt your steps when one of the men grabbed your arm firmly.

"We were calling you, weren't we?" The man gritted his teeth. His breath fly across your face. You quickly cover your nose and faked gag.

"You were told to brush your teeth, weren't you?" You mocked. His friends behind him, tried their best to stop their laugh.

The man gritted his teeth before squeezing your face with his hand. You squirm, trying to get out of his grasp.

"You're a feisty little lady." The man whispered as his grasp gets tighter and tighter while you squirm.

"I know." You managed to say. "I get that a lot." The guy scoff.

"And you're okay with that?" The man asked.

"Of course I do." You spat out. "It gives me a tough image."

"But your not really a tough girl yourself." The man puckered up and was about to kiss your lips. Tears were building up on your eyes, making your sight blurry. You squirm like your life depends on it, then suddenly, his grasp was removed from your face.

A guy grabbed your wrist and the both of you ran away. You wiped your eyes as the two of you ran, making your vision clear again. The man was running a head of you, while you were running behind him as he hold you. You stare at his back and you immediately know who it was.

It's Jimin.

You felt everything stop for a moment as you look at his back. This jerk just saved you. The both of you halt when you arrive in front of your house.

Jimin faced you with a worry look on his face. "Are you okay? Why were you walking alone? I thought you were with Taehyung?"

You jolt your head up and look at him with a confused look. "How did you know I was with Taehyung?"

Jimin hang his head low as he blush lightly. "I-I.. I just saw you.."

"You followed me didn't you?" You cocked your brow up.

Jimin looked up at you with a smirk on his face. "What if I did?"

"Creep." You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms across your chest. You turn around and was about to go inside but Jimin suddenly grabbed your shoulders and faced you to him.

Your eyes widen when you saw his face extremely close to you. His playful and cocky expression turned into a very serious one. His eyes was locked with yours as he continue to stare at you as if your eyes were the most interesting thing in the world.

"I maybe a creep, but I'm the creep who saved your life." Jimin lean towards your face and you immediately shut your eyes.

You felt your face heat up while your heartbeat was going crazy. When you heard a soft chuckle you open your eyes and saw Jimin leaning back.

"You're cute." Jimin playfully pinched your cheeks and you immediately remove his hands, but Jimin was quicker. He hold both of your wrists tightly before looking at you in the eyes.

"Not even a thank you?" Jimin pouts as he gave you his puppy eyes. At first you find it cute but after a few seconds, it doesn't.

"Fine, thank you." You said idly as you rolled your eyes, but Jimin still doesn't let you go.

"How about a little kiss?" Jimin asked playfully. He lets you go before he turned his cheek to you.

You lean towards his cheek and you pucker up. Jimin smiled like a little kid but his smile immediately faded when he felt great pain on his cheek.
He then realize,

You just slapped his pretty face.

You lean back before saying, "Don't push it." You said in a low voice.

You turn around and went inside your house, a safe place. Where it was Jimin free. Jimin on the other hand was still shock. He held his slightly red cheek, still feeling the stinging pain.

Jimin chuckled before he look at the front door where you entered.

"Your a real feisty little girl. And the thing about you being great at hitting is also true." Jimin clicked his tongue before he smirked. "But I'll get you."



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