Chapter 4

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Mom seemed frozen. "Mom?" I snapped my fingers in front of her face. Nothing. I started panicking and I didn't know what to do so I Looked. I looked into her mind. And what I saw... I was frozen right along with her. This was bad. Really bad. I knew I needed to go inside, get Dad or Frosty - somebody. But I couldn't move. The zombies really were back. And the white rabbit... meant they were after something - and wouldn't stop until they got it.

Suddenly an image came to my mind. One of my True Visions. It was all of us, all of the slayers, fighting... zombies? Only they didn't look like zombies. They looked more - human. They weren't; their skin was peeling in places and their hair was falling out. But they did not look like regular zombies. It's like they were all newly risen. Every single one of them.

I watched the slayers fight them and they all fell, one by one. Not a single slayer was left. I was the last to fall, shielding the bodies of my family. Ryn lay dead at my feet.

The Vision ended.

Someone was speaking to us, trying to get our attention, but Mom was frozen, staring at the cloud and I was frozen, staring at her.

Eventually someone slapped me across the face and I finally snapped out of it. Al was standing in front of me, hands on my shoulders, panic on her face.

"Finally!" she exclaimed as she saw my face reanimate. "What's going on? What did you See?"

I can only assume my horrified expression told her it was something bad. I could barely get the words out. All I managed was, "death". Al turned white as a sheet.

"Okay." She grabbed my arm and started dragging me inside. We passed the gym and went through a couple of hallways until we reached the meeting room. She sat me down there and took a seat across from me. There was silence for a full minute.

"What the hell did you and your mom See?" Ryn hissed, slamming the door behind him after he entered the room. I looked away from him. The image of him lying dead at my feet flashed through my mind and I hunched over in my chair, struggling to suck air in through my lungs. I couldn't breathe. I was drowning. My vision started going black at the edges.

Ryn knelt down in front of me. He was speaking, his hands on my face, but I couldn't hear him, couldn't see him, couldn't see anything other than his lifeless body, eyes blank. Oh God. I was going to pass out. Or vomit. One of the two. Oh God.

Vomiting won out and I lunged towards the potted plant in the corner of the room. I just reached it before everything I had eaten for lunch came back up. Someone held my hair back and rubbed my back until I was finished. The sound of my body slumping on the floor made a dull thud. Now that I wasn't going to be sick, I could think more clearly.

I needed to see more of the vision. I concentrated, bringing forth the memory of that image, of me protecting the lifeless bodies of my family, Ryn lying dead at my feet. It made me flinch but it did what I needed it to. Nobody would interrupt me; they could tell when I was Seeing something - my eyes went silver, apparently. The scene started to play out like a movie in my head.

We were surrounded. There was too many, we were never going to make it. The zombies-that-weren't-zombies were flanking us from all sides, their rotting stench mixed with something sickly sweet. They were coming for us, attacking us. The slayers put up a good fight, but they wouldn't last. Something was wrong. The fire wasn't working on these zombies.

Al was the first to fall. I was screaming, telling her to get back up but she wasn't moving. Her dad stood over her, fighting back the zombies until he, too, fell. I kept screaming, kept fighting, that sickly sweet rotting smell filling my nose. Emerson was the next to fall. I saw Mom and Dad on either side of his body, protecting it from further harm before tears blurred my vision. I didn't think I could take any more of this, but I knew I had to watch, had to See, so that I would know how to stop it. Ty fell then and I thought that my heart was going to give out it was hurting so much. My beautiful brothers, my best friend, they were gone, dead on the ground. I couldn't breathe but I had to keep fighting. I looked around. I had to find Ryn. I couldn't let him die too.

I spotted him next to one of the twins - the other lay dead on the grass. I fought my way over to him, decapitating bodies left and right. At this point, I didn't even need to be wary of who was friend and who was foe. It was all just zombies, zombies everywhere. I made it to Ryn and we stood back to back, hacking and swinging, but it was no use. The other twin had already fallen, along with Mom and Dad while I was making my way over to Ryn. He and I were the only slayers left. And then it was just me. I screamed Ryn's name as he fell. It was no use. The zombies were swarming me. They pinned my arms and legs, pulled me to the ground and I couldn't do anything to stop them. I closed my eyes as the pain and fire consumed me.

My eyes flew open.

I had to twist to the side as the bile came back and I again retched into the potted plant. Again, Ryn's cool hands brushed against my face as he brushed my hair back.

Finally, I finished and collapsed back into Ryn. I looked into his eyes and the image of his blank, lifeless ones flashed into my head. I closed my eyes and cried.

"We're all going to die," I sobbed. 

What do we think about this vision? Are they really all going to die? Keep coming back to find out :)

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