Chapter 5

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My statement was met with silence. And then Ryn and Al were talking at once, asking me questions that I couldn't answer. I stayed silent and eventually they realised I wasn't going to answer any of them. Al left the room to give me some time to deal with what I had seen before I had to explain it to the rest of the slayers. And I really needed that time.

Ryn stayed with me, stroking my hair and murmuring soothing words into my ear. I don't know how long I stayed in that room with Ryn, but eventually - after the tears had stopped streaming down my face and my breathing had calmed - I sighed. Ryn sensed the change and shifted slightly back to look at my face. His eyes searched mine.

"Whatever it is, whatever you saw..." he trailed off. "We can get through it. I promise."

I looked at him, studied his face and those beautiful eyes, that adorably mussed hair. And I made a decision. If we were all going to die soon, I needed to start living my life for me and not for others. I was going to start doing the things that made me happy.

With that life decision made, I took a deep breath and said to Ryn, "Go get the Clan." That was what we had taken to calling my parents - Cole and Ali - Ryn's parents - Frosty and Milla - Al's parents - Reeve and Bronx - and the twins' parents - Gavin and Jaclyn. Now that the children were all slaying, we were considered adults and were now also counted as part of the Clan.

Ryn nodded in response to my request and stood up, taking me with him. He settled me in one of the chairs, making sure I was comfortable before leaving the room.

After he left, I had the opportunity to think about what I'd seen which brought tears to my eyes. I had no clue how I was going to stop it. But I was not going to let my friends and family die. I couldn't.

How was I even going to tell them? So, I had a vision and we're all going to die, killed by an unkillable horde of mutant zombies. Yeah, as if.

Ryn interrupted my thoughts by coming back into the room, the rest of the Clan following. His eyes searched mine and for a second I couldn't resist. I Looked.

I saw myself through his eyes. I was pale and shivering and the sweat from my vomiting session was drying on my forehead. God, I was a mess.

What the hell did she see? Ryn was thinking. Whatever it was I need to protect her from it. I can't let anything happen to her.

I left his mind before I could hear any more and before anyone could realise what I was doing. The Clan were all seated around the table, all staring at me and I gulped. I found Mom and she looked grim. She gave me an encouraging nod, telling me to speak. I cleared my throat.

"So," I started. Cleared my throat again. "I had a vision." I had to look down. I couldn't meet any of their eyes.

"Rane, what did you see?" Dad prompted.

I couldn't take it anymore and my brain stopped working as I blurted out, "We're all going to die." Not exactly how I wanted to tell everybody, but it was too late now. 

The rest of the Clan had much the same response to my statement as Al and Ryn. Silence and then -




"What the fuck could kill all of us?"

That last one was Gavin. But I had no clue how to answer him. The truth was, I didn't even know what it was that killed us. Those things sure weren't like any zombies I'd seen before.

Frosty's voice cut through the exclamations and questions. "Explain," he commanded.

I looked down again. Looking directly at any of them was too hard - all I could see when I looked at them were their broken bodies. This time I had to cough to clear my throat; there was a lump there that just wasn't going away. "I had a vision," I started again. Someone scoffed. I didn't look up to see who it was. "In my vision, we were all fighting in a clearing somewhere. All of us, every single slayer. And we were all killed."

"What were we fighting?" Dad asked.

"I don't know. They look like zombies, only none of them were rotten like they usually are. Our fire wasn't killing them. There was no way to kill them which is why we all were killed instead."

Again, my words were met with silence. Bronx said, "Shit."

I agreed. We were all so screwed. 

Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys, it's been a busy couple of weeks. I'll keep trying to stick to my deadlines but it probably won't happen and I sorry for that. Hope the writing makes up for it :)

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