Chapter 6

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I left the Clan to debate by themselves after a few hours of them asking me questions I couldn't answer. I understood that not knowing frustrated them, however, I was just as frustrated. They didn't see what I did. Those images would be imprinted in my brain for the rest of my life. Every time I closed my eyes I saw a different loved one, their bodies twisted and broken. I couldn't take their incessant questions any longer.

 I found myself in one of the training rooms. With the Clan still in their meeting, I had the room to myself. If I was going to be strong enough to protect everyone I loved, I would have to train. So I did. 

 I spent the whole day in that room, using the guns, the weapons, the punching bag, everything. Everything I could do in that training room, I did. I nearly passed out from exhaustion after I stepped off the treadmill. After grabbing a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the corner of the room, I sat down on one of the resting benches. 

 First things first. We needed to figure out what those Zombies were and why our fire had no effect on them. Next, figure out how to kill them. Then, actually do that. Easy, right? Yeah, right. I could totally do that. Not.

 My eyes closed of their own volition and I leaned back to rest my head against the wall. Then I thought I would just rest for a while, so I slid down the wall until I was laying on the bench on my side.  I'll just rest here, I thought. Just for a while


"Rane." Someone was shaking my shoulder. "Rane, wake up."

 My eyes slowly blinked themselves open to see Ryn resting on his haunches in front of me. I sat up quickly and looked around. I was still in the training room - I must have fallen asleep. 

 The moonlight filtered softly through the window across the room and I shot up as I realised what that meant. 

 "I have to go! I'm on patrol tonight!" I ran across to the other side of the room where I'd left my shoes and shirt (I'd been training in a sports bra and some sweats) while I let out a stream of expletives. I whipped around when I heard Ryn chuckle.

 "What's so funny? Aren't you on patrol too?" I narrowed my eyes when he kept laughing. "What?"

 "You're cute when you're frantic like that. And we're not on patrol tonight." He paused, but continued on before I could fully comprehend that first sentence. "I figured you could use one more night of rest after what you saw today and I said I would make sure you were okay."

 My brows furrowed in confusion. It wasn't unusual for Ryn to want to check up on me, I guess, but - "Where's Ty?"

 "He wanted to be on dead watch tonight, to try and learn as much as he could about the Zombies you saw in your vision. We know they may not even exist yet, these fire resistant zombies that you described, but he wanted to try. He doesn't want you to worry."

 Ty wanted to be on dead watch? Wow, my vision really must have rattled him. Well, if I wasn't on patrol, I had nothing to worry about. Sitting back down on the bench, I looked up at Ryn and got caught in those piercing brown eyes with those icy flecks of blue. He really was so beautiful. I could look at him all day and never get bored. I watched as his hand slowly, so slowly, moved to brush back some hair that had come loose while I was asleep. My breath caught. What the hell was happening?

 "I've been thinking," he whispered. "About your vision."

 I lowered my eyes. I couldn't look at him and talk about the vision at the same time. All I could picture was his lifeless eyes as he lay below me.

 "If we're going to die soon anyway -" I flinched "- then we might as well live while we still can. And there's something I've been wanting to do for a very long time now. Something that I'm going to do while I still have the time to do it."

 My eyes flew back to his. Then I watched, unmoving, as he leant forward and - ever so softly - brushed his lips against mine. When I din't pull away, he pressed harder and I finally responded. My arms twined around his neck and pulled him closer to me as his tongue deepened the kiss. His silky hair felt amazing in my hands and I kept running my fingers through it simply because I could and because he was touching me and we were touching each other and I never wanted it to stop.

 Before long he pulled away, breathing hard. I tried to pull him back to me but he resisted. "Rane, do you want to - I mean can we - I mean, you don't have to do anything if - shit, I'm not doing this right." He was so cute. He was actually blushing. I had never seen him this flustered and I loved it. 

 My smile felt like it was going to split my cheeks. "We can go back to my room, if that's okay with you?" 

 He nodded his head so fast I was afraid it was going to come off. He was adorable. "We don't have I just mean that we can just sleep if that's what you want. I don't mind." His eyes were lowered and my fingers moved to his chin and lifted his head. I had never seen this side of him before. He was always so confident and calm, it was strange seeing him this vulnerable; but at the same time I was glad he was comfortable enough to show me this part of himself. 

 "Come back to my room."

I am so sorry about the silence guys, things have been a bit hectic for me and I honestly haven't had much time or motivation to write. I promise, though, that now that I'm back, I'll keep updating every Saturday like I said I would. 

What do you think of Ryn? Isn't he adorable? Next chapter may contain some smut, however, I cant be sure ;) 

See you guys next Saturday and as always, if you like my story please give it some votes and give me a follow and comment what you think :D

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