Day 3- Practice still..

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Geno's POV~

'I can't believe I got stuck with being an assassin. I could've been a warrior...'

I'm currently running in the forest, avoiding knifes getting thrown at me. Geez, i'm not in the shape to be doing this.

I look up to see a figure jumping from tree to tree, keeping up with me. 'This must be the guy that has to train me. I guess he's testing me to see what I know.' I think, and smirk to myself. 

Another knife was thrown towards me, but this time instead of dodging it, I caught it. I quickly threw the knife back at the figure, but he was already gone. 

"What the-" I get cut off by something hitting my back. The impact into my back sent me into a tree. 

I hit it with a "oof". The figure laughs, "Good try." I stand up and look at it. The person took off their hood and their scarf from off their face. "My name is Tokiba, and i'm the assassin that'll teach you." The male stated. He had black spikey hair, green emerald eyes, and tiny black 'x' under his left eye. 

I nod, "I'm Geno." 

"OK. First thing is first, speed. Your pretty fast, but not fast enough. Everyday, I want you running 10 laps. Starting now." He said. 

I groan and started running. 'Well this is going to be fun..'

Blue's POV~

I'm glad I got chosen to be a ninja! That means I won't have to kill anyone! I smile and skip to where i'm suppose to be meeting my teacher. I have to meet them in front of a obstacle course. I approach the obstacle course to see 2 figures racing each other doing it. 

I just stood there and smiled, 'They look so cool!'

One had white short hair, tall, muscley, and had a smile on their face.

The other one had long black hair, which was in two low pigtails, sort of tall, they also had a smile on their face. 

"Hello!" I yell to them. They both look and stop. They walk over to me. "Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if one of you two are one of my teachers to teach me how to be a ninja..?" I said. 

"We both are." The black haired one said. I guess that's a female because of the tone of her voice. 

I smile, "Oh! My name's Blueberry! But you can call me Blue for short." I introduced. 

"I'm Lucifer, and this one beside me is Tori. We are both ninjas. She's more flexible than me, but i'm stronger. Both of us are going to teach you how to be a ninja." The white haired male explained. 

I nod. 

"For now, I wanna see what you can do. Do the obstacle to your best attempt." Lucifer said. 

"Okie dokie!" I replied, and walked towards the obstacle course. 

'This should be easy since I am a royal guard!' I think to myself.  

"START!" The women yelled, and I took off running. I started to approach a wooden wall, which was short. I put my hand on top on it and jumped over it, landing the jump and continuing to run. 

A few minutes later, I was done. The whole thing was basically to see if I had enough stamina to keep going throughout the whole course.. 

I wasn't out of breathe or anything. I'm usually really hyper so, it wouldn't affect me. I hear the guy chuckle, "Seems like we have good one Tori.."

Tori nodded. "You have a lot of energy. So, that's not a problem. Time to see if you can dodge. Follow us." Tori said, leading me into a house. It looks like one of those Japanese training houses. They take me into a room that has holes all over the wall. 

"This room will have harmless arrows shooting at you from all ways. If one hits you, they'll stop. BUT, the main goal is not to get hit." Lucifer explained. 

I nod. "We'll be in another room watching you from above, good luck." He said, and walks out the room shutting the door. 

I guess they got to the room and started it because an arrow came out from behind me. I easily dodge it. Then two more came from opposite directions, so I ducked. I guess the more time in here, more arrows will come out and the faster they'll get because it's getting faster. 

Four more came towards me and I cartwheeled out the way to dodge them. Eight more came, and I slid under them. Fifteen came and I ran towards the wall and jumped onto it, then kicked off to flip over the arrows. Then more holes appeared in the ceiling. Twenty-one shot at me, I managed to dodge to ones coming from the sides, but I forgot there was ones coming from above me. One hit me in the shoulder.

I groan out of frustration, 'how could I forget?!'. The session stopped. "Good job! So, that means we'll have to work on your reaction time. We'll have to get your strength up too, because from the looks of it, you're not strong." Lucifer said.

I felt like that was an insult, but I kept quiet. 

Lust's POV~ 

I'm suppose to be a nurse...'Why the hell am I the nurse?'

I walk into the Hospital and request a nurse to train me. Some fine ass guy nurse comes, "Are you Lust?" He asks.

I only nod. 'Holy shit he's fine...'. 

"I'll be your teacher. I'll teach you what kind of medicine each patient will need, what is wrong with them and things like that." He explained.

"Okay. I don't know anything about nursing..BTW, I'll need to learn all that in 76 days." I informed. 

His eyes get big, "Okay, first things is first, what is this?" He holds up a thermometer. 

"A Thermometer...?" 

"Great! Now what is.."

Classic's POV~

I need to collect an army in 76 days...damn. I already have all the papyrus's and Undyne's gathered and explained to them what I needed. Now they're out requesting army troops.

This will take about 5 days to recruit people and get an army, but for now, I can sit back and relax. 

Dust's POV~

The crew and I are about to invade Underswap..Oh how fun~

And here's another chapter! Next chapter will be the last day 3. This book is going to be suppeerr long..Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed bros! BYEEESS!

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