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"Mr. Shue, please stop talking. I have an announcement. I regret to inform you a deadly asteroid is headed our way." Brittany walked into the choir room interrupting Glee rehearsals.

"Wait, didn't we just go through this at Christmas?" I asked.

"Yeah, and is it true you and Sam got married? Did that happen?" Tina asked.

"Shut up, Tina." Brittany barked. "I'm naming this comet. Tubbington-Bopp, and it is headed straight for Lima."

"Wait, so is it an asteroid or a comet?" Artie questioned.

"It's both." Brittany replies.

"Wouldn't NASA know something about this" I asked.

"We can't trust NASA. I mean, last month a meteor exactly like Tubbington-Bopp hit Russia with no warning at all." Brittany answered.

"Oh, so now it's a meteor." Artie rolled his eyes. Nobody is really falling for it.

"That's right, Artie, And when this meteorite hits, I will not be spending my time in this room preparing for regionals. I will be spending my last hours making amends with somebody who I need to get right with. Someone who I love very much. Lord Tubbington. So go back to your homes and hide your wife, hide your kids and hide your wife. McKinley High, I salute you." Brittany walked out.

"I'm really surprised that Jesus Christ Superstar has chosen to end the world this way instead of the way he killed off the dinosaurs, which was a global yeast infection." Sam started.

"Do you think God will let me be a girl angel in heaven?" Unique questioned.

"Wait, there are girl and boy angels? Does that mean you can have angel sex?" Sam followed up.

"All right. Show of hands. Who's worried about. Brittany's meteor/asteroid/comet prediction?" Mr. Schue asked. A few hands went up. "Okay. Well, here's how I see it. There are two possible outcomes. First, the meteor misses us and we go to regionals and we kick butt, which will only happen if we prepare. Or we only have a few days to live and if that's the case, we need to say everything we need to say to the people we love. I can tell you from those couple of weeks where I couldn't talk to Emma that there is nothing worse than unfinished business with the one you love. And meteor or no meteor any moment you have with those people might be your last one. Bruce Springsteen always says that he plays every show as if it's his last, and that is the kind of urgency we need at regionals this year. So this week we're either gonna sing our last songs to each other or get in touch with what it feels like to do that. Okay, everyone. Let's make the most of it." Mr. Schuester explained.

I walked out of the choir room. He was right. I should tell Sebastian how I truly felt about him. Maybe talk to my band and have another rehearsal. What if I combined it into one?

I texted the band and asked for a rehearsal. Then, I asked if I could invite Sebastian. They all were fine with it. I texted Sebastian inviting him. He said he can come.

I got to band practice that night. I saw Sebastian waiting in the driveway. I parked on the side of road and got out of my car. Then, I went over and tapped on his window. He got out of his car.

"Hey, darling." He kisses me. "Why are you inviting me to your band practice? You always say it's very concealed." He pointed out.

"According to Brittany, there is some meteor, comet, asteroid, or something along those lines." I replied.

"And you would believe her?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, Mr. Schue took advantage of this and said treat everyone you love like it's the last day." I responded. "So that's what I am doing."

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