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We all sat in the choir room waiting for Mr. Schuester to come in. I had convinced Ryder to stay until at least after Nationals. Then, We saw Mr. Shue came running inside and wrote the term: Beatles on the board.

"I don't think we've ever spent two weeks on an assignment, Mr. Schue." I suggested.

"Hey, the Beatles are so epic that we need two weeks to do them justice." He replied. He is not wrong. "This week is all about the early years of the Beatles when all they had was a belief in each other and a belief that together they could do anything."

"Uch. The school year seems like it's never-ending and now we're wasting two whole weeks on a band from the 1940s? Seriously, can anyone still relate to the Beatles?" Kitty whined.

"Pretty much the entire world." Blaine replied.

"Yeah. I can definitely still relate." Ryder sat back in his chair.

"Why? Were the Beatles dyslexic and catfished by transsexuals?" She barked.

"And you wonder why everybody hates you." I pointed out.

"When George Harrison was a kid, he was made fun of 'cause his dad was a bus driver." Marley raised her hand.

"John Lennon's dad wasn't even around.
He walked out of John's life when he was five." Jake added.

"I don't really know the Beatles. I'm a little on the black side." Unique admitted.

"And Ringo Starr was a sickly little kid which probably means he was sitting down a lot." Artie added.

"And they decided to form a band, which changed the world. You guys are gonna have to challenge yourselves this week. Bring your A+ games. Perform these classic songs in new and exciting ways. If we can push ourselves to a whole new level, like the Beatles did constantly we can win back-to-back national championships and form a New Directions dynasty." Mr. Schuester clapped. We all cheered.  "All right. See you guys tomorrow." He waved.

I walked out of the classroom and began to make my way to my car. I had another band practice. I was looking foreword to it. I want to perform something by the Beatles. They are one of my all time favorite performers.

I knocked on the door and heard someone yell come in. I turned the door knob and walked into Beth's house. I did not see Beth or Erick anywhere. I only saw Jack sitting on the sofa with a guitar.

 I only saw Jack sitting on the sofa with a guitar

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"Where is Beth and Erick?" I asked.

"Fighting as per usual." He laughed. "Normally they shut up when you get here, but they are still screaming at each other outside."

"Sounds like siblings." I chuckled. "What are you working on?" I asked in curiosity.

"A song," he replied.

"What's the song?" I questioned.

"It's just been a song I have been working on. I don't think it is good, but whatever." He shrugged.

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