Chapter 11

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(Y/n) p.o.v

Last night I actually has good night sleep. Its been a while since I've had that nightmare, thankfully. I woke up in a actual good mood so I decide to make breakfast for the boys which is just omlettes. Sanha walks in the kitchen with an extreme case of bed head. I have to slap my hand on my mouth to keep me from busting out laughing. "What" Sanha says tiredly. I shake my head in responce. "Sanha do me a favor and wake up the hyungs please" he shuffles back upstairs hopefully doing what I asked him. After I finish setting the table I hear the footsteps of seven sleepy zombies. They all gather around the table and slowly begin to eat. After we finish I grab their plates and wash them before heading back up stairs.

I do my daily routine along with a few interruptions by a sleepy rocky trying to make me lay down with him. I finally am able to finish my routine and wake up rocky without having to pour water on him to wake him up. I make my way to get and outfit ready and start my makeup. After I do my hair, it's been a while since I cut my hair so it long enough for me to actually style it. I decide on a double french braid space buns.

 I decide on a double french braid space buns

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(Picture of how your hair is styled)

"Where are you going" I hear rocky ask from behind me. "Well since it's my rest day I was thinking I can go exploring with bobby" "exploring really?" "Well I mean like go to the park maybe buy some stuff from the mall, or something" "oh well do you know when you are coming back" "probably sometime before the sun sets why" "just wondering" 'why is he acting weird or am I just crazy, nah I'm probably just crazy' I finish my hair and spray hairspray so my hair stays in place. 'Now if I can find my backpack I'll be almost ready to leave, now where did I leave it, Ahh there it is'. I put some water bottles incase me and bobby get thirty, a little baggy of puppy food, and some snacks for me. Now for bobby I have to put on his collar. Now my wheels, my skateboard since I don't have my license. 'Now do I got everything, keys check, snacks for us both check, skateboard check, my sanity mostly check,  okay that's everything'.  I grab bobby with my skateboard and walk down stairs. "Bye hyungs I'll be back later" "Where you going" they ask. "I'm going exploring with bobby" "exploring? Okay be safe and be back before dark."  "I will don't worry" I walk out closing the door behind me. I head out side while I place bobby in my backpack with a little hole to stick his head out but not enough for him to fall out. Then I set my skateboard down and take off but being cautious about cars and people. I would listen to music but last time I did that while staking I almost didn't hear a car coming thankfully I realized before something bad happened. I'm not too sure where I am heading but I'm just going with it. Wherever the wind takes me. Soon I'm surrounded in a familiar neighborhood. Then I realize I'm in my old neighborhood. 'I should see how Mrs.Choi is doing.' I head in the direction of her shop which was just a few streets away. Soon I'm in front of her shop which is surrounded by many beautiful flowers. I grab my skateboard and make my way in. As I open the door I hear the sound of the bell that signifies that someone entered the shop. "Good morning how may- (y/n), what a pleasant surprise." "Good morning Mrs.choi the flowers are looking as beautiful as ever, almost as much as you" "oh (y/n) your too sweet but I believe your radiant beauty matches the flowers perfectly" "Thank you Mrs.choi" "Its been awhile since I've last seen you, how's the life as an idol" "Its wonderful, it's alot of practice and training but it's worth it." "Thats nice deary, any one catch your eye yet" she asks sitting down in the front of her shop, gesturing to sit in the other chair by the table. I grab bobby out of my bag and place him on my lap."There is this one guy who has we've had a rocky friendship but we are starting to get along" "Ooh now do we like this boy as more than friend or no" she gestures asking if I would like some hot tea in which I nod. She pours us some. "Yes I do like him more than a friend a lot actually but I'm not to sure" "Whats wrong deary you say you like this boy why not just be with him" "Well I would love to be with him but I just don't want to rush into the relationship and get over clingy and end up ruining the relationship." She takes a long breath and takes a sip of her tea and I take the same opportunity to drink mine too. "Well dear it's good that you are not rushing into the relationship and get hurt like the last time but do not wait too long or they may just slip away and from what I can tell you like this one boy alot and you know he's the one for you and I know it too my old lady powers are telling me so" I laugh at her little joke. "Mrs.choi you are not old" "oh dear we both know I'm not as young as I used to be, however that is not the point. The point is that if you truly believe he is the one then be with him but only if you truly feel he is." "Thank you Mrs.choi you are very wise. Thank you for always being here to hear me and help me with my problems". "Of course my dear (y/n), now I expect to be invited to your two's wedding". "For course mrs.choi you will be one of the first invites, I will even hand deliver it to make sure you get it." "I'll be expecting it". "Thank you for the tea and for helping me I'll have to stop by more I miss our talks". "You know I'm here for you whenever spot by whenever, bobby is also welcome, along with your boyfriend/future husband". "Of course mrs.choi I'll have to bring him by to see the woman who practically raised me." "I'll be looking forward to it". She says with her arms open. I hug her and tell her goodbye. I put bobby back into my backpack and start to head to the park to play with bobby. There's a little playground not that far from mrs.choi's shop so I'll take bobby there. There's very little people who go there but it's not old or destroyed it's just not really knowned. I skate into the playground and stop under a tree. I let bobby out to run around and do his business. I place our stuff on my board and get up to play with bobby for a bit. A few games of tug-of-war, ball, and hide and seek. We head back the the tree to rest a bit and get some water. Gotta stay hydrated. "(Y/n)?" I turn to see a guy who was calling me. "Do I know you" "How can you forget me, it's me jae-hyuk, remember" "omg jae-hyuk, I can't believe it's you I jump into a hug with him. He lifts me off the ground. "Hey put me down quit belittling me" I whine causing bobby to bark and pull at his pant leg. "Oh who's your little protector" he says looking down at bobby finally putting me down. "Thats bobby my little knight in armor" "hey little fella " he picks him up and bobby starts biting at his finger still on defense mode. Thankfully his teeth aren't sharp since he's still a puppy. "He cute, he loves you as I can tell" "Yeah he's my little protector". "Jaehyuk? Oh who is this" another guy walks up to him. "Babe this is (y/n), remember I told you about him, he's my childhood friend". "Oh well nice you meet you im tae-soo" "Nice to meet you too, I'm glad Jaehyuk found someone who can handle him" "hey I'm not that bad". Me and tae-soo just look at eachother and start laughing. I look down to see bobby fell asleep in my arms.

*time skip*

After an hour of catching up with Jaehyuk and getting to know tae-soo we say our goodbyes and exchange numbers.  I carefully put bobby back in the backpack. I made sure to grab a blanket so if he fell asleep like I knew he would he would be confortable in there. After gathering our stuff I head to the mall to look around. I go through I few shops like sophora, zumiez, vans, and forever 21. I didn't but much except for some setting powder, setting spray, a pack of sets of lashes. I didn't buy much cause I have to carry it instead of putting it in the backpack. It going to be sun down soon so I head back to the dorm.

"Hey guys I'm back " I walk into the living room where the boys are. "Hey (y/n) welcome back". "Where is rocky". "He's been upstairs the whole time since you left. He won't let us know what he is doing". "Well ima go figure it out" I walk up stairs and try to open the door. Its locked. "Rocky? Why is the door locked?" "Oh (y/n) your back it's a surprise". 'Oh no what did he do'


Word count: 1645

So I know I said Friday but i just wanted to update sooner than that. The next chapter should be up around saturday-ish.  What do you think rocky's surprise is?

Until the next chapter.

      ~rose 🌹

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