Ease My Mind

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This is my entry for the Sera_Senpai Pride month competition. The story is inspired by the music of Ben Platt, specifically Ease My Mind, I have put the official music video above.

The basis of this story is pretty simple. An anxiety ridden gay boy named Cody Turner is tired of hiding his boyfriend from his divorced parents. Although he lives in a homophobic community, he decides to come out to his dad, all with his boyfriend's support.

Trigger warning- one swear word, homophobia (including slurs sorry)

I awaken to the annoying beeping of my alarm clock, the same stupid sound every day of my life. Not that I slept much last night anyways, anxiety is a killer. Groaning, I roll out of bed, grabbing a crumpled shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. After putting those on, I slip my sweatshirt over my head, and make my way downstairs to where my mom was making breakfast.

She slides a plate of pancakes in front of me, "Remember to go to your father's house after school today. Do you have your weekend bag packed?"

"Yes Mom."

"Good, I have to head out to work, I love you! Oh, and Cody, call me if you need anything," She said, Kissing me on the cheek before grabbing her bag and heading out.

I continued eating my pancakes, drenching them in syrup before I grabbed my backpack and duffle bad. I look around at the leaves falling off the trees as I begin the walk to school, plugging in my headphones to listen to my favorite musicals.

I walked into school while rapping my way through My Shot from Hamilton when someone pushed me to the ground. The boy who had shoved me looks down, glaring.

"Get out of the way you fucking fag!" He shouted, as a crowd gathered around. I began to hear the laughter and shouts of "queer" and "homo". My chest is tight as tears prick my eyes. Another panic attack starts as I hyperventilate, the world fading in and out.

Suddenly someone pushes their way through the crowd. "Leave him alone!" they shout, standing in front of me. It's Ethan, my best friend, and boyfriend. He turns around and helps me up, holding on to my hand to help me calm down.

"What is he, your boyfriend?" the bullies sneer.

"As a matter of fact, he is," Ethan replies, glaring daggers at them as he drags me away, hand in hand.

You came out of nowhere and you cut through all the noise, I make sense of the madness when I listen to your voice


Never in my life have I been as relieved to hear the bell ring for lunch as I am today. I walk to our meeting place by the library with my bagged lunch in hand. Ethan is already waiting for me, holding a bag of what must be his mother's homemade tamales.

He smiles as I approach, "Hey there handsome, are you okay after what happended this morning?"

I sit next to him and open my lunch, "Yeah, it certainly throws a wrench in my day, but I'll get over it," I say as I take a bite of my sandwich.

Ethan smiles and kisses my forehead, "Do you want to go out and do something this weekend? There are some new movies out right now."

"Aww, I would love to babe, but I'm at my dad's this weekend. I was actually wondering if I could talk to you about something related to that."

"Sure thing," Ethan says, looking curious.

"I think I'm gonna come out to my dad this weekend. I'm done hiding us from my parents, and I want you there when we tell my mom since she loves you, but I need to get dad out of the way first. Can I call you if things go bad, or just for some support?"

LGBTQ+ Stuff/My Coming Out JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now