Coming Out So Far

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Coming out for me so far, hasn't actually been terrible.  In October of this past year, I decided that it was finally time I let people see some of the real me, so at a marching band competition, I decided to let some of my closest friends in on the secret. 

We were sitting in the stands making jokes after we competed in a break between bands when my gay trans friend made a joke about thinking someone was hot, so my best friend was like "WOW you're so gay, you're gonna turn all of us gay with that much power!" at which point I jumped in with "Excuse me I don't need him to turn me gay, I'm already bi!"

At first my friends thought I was joking, but when they realized I was serious, they all accepted me.  Later that night I came out to the trans friend on the bus ride home, and he just said "welcome to the club" and left it at that.

Since then, I've come out to plenty of friends at school, just saying I'm bi if they ask or it comes up in conversation.  Some people have even just guessed without me needed to tell them.  I even worked up the courage to tell my homophobic friend who had moved over the summer, and she took a bit to warm up to the idea, but now she fully supports me, and helped me when I wanted to ask a girl out. (More details coming on that experience soon)

Now all that's left is for my family and everybody else...

2020 update: I am out to basically everyone now, and went back to everyone who already knew to tell them that I am a lesbian, everyone is super chill (minus my family, keep reading for that adventure!)

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