9: Birthday

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Jiro: *sigh* I wonder if they forgot.

Emma: What's wrong, Jiro?

Jiro: Today's my birthday, and I haven't seen the rest of the squad. *Even more depressed sigh* Maybe they forgot.

Kaminari: *is dragging party supplies in a bag. Sees Emma with Jiro.* Shhhh.

Emma: I'm sure they didn't forget. Now, how about I give you my present.

Jiro: Sure?

Emma: Close your eyes and block your ears. Don't want you to hear it before we get there.

Jiro: *suspiciously* Okay? *Covers ears and closes eyes.*

Emma: *10 seconds later* Okay, open them.

Jiro: *open eyes and ears* Who's!

Bakusquad: Happy birthday, Jiro!😀🤗

Jiro: Thank you Soo much guys. *Wipes away a tear* Who came up with this?

Hikari: It was all Kaminari.

Kaminari: I didn't do much...

Jiro: This means a lot to me, Kami. Thank you. *Hugs Kaminari*

Mina: *whispers* We should give a moment.

*Rest of Bakusquad leaves*

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